Family Medicine

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"Mark, please take them," Jack insisted, holding the pill bottle between his fingers as his daughter wrapped her arms around his legs. Mark shook his head and slammed his hand on the back of the couch.

"I'm fine! I don't need pills, I can calm down fine without them!" Mark's voice was deep and serious; not like him at all. Jack sighed and tried to get Aednat to go upstairs by prying her off his legs. She still stood strong.

"I wanna stay down here and help Daddy." She said sternly, knitting her brows. Mark looked down to his daughter and sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"Sweetie, please go upst-" Mark began in the small, high-pitched voice he always used when he talked to her. Aednat let go of Jack's legs and ran to Mark, reaching her arms up for him to hug her.

He gave a small smile before bending down and wrapping her up in his strong arms. Jack settled, cocking his head to the side and rubbing his eyes.

"Daddy, don't be mad anymore please. Papa doesn't like it and neither do I."

"Did Papa tell you to say that?" Aednat shook her head.

"Nuh uh. We just don't like it when you're mad. You're scary when you're mad." Mark's smile faded quickly. His own daughter was scared of him? Mark brought Aednat closer.

"I'm sorry sweetie, don't be scared of Daddy, okay? I'm not mad, I just get a little bit upset sometimes." Aednat pulled back and nodded quickly, a smile crossing her fragile cheeks. He had almost forgot Jack was standing in front of them.

"Come here." Mark opened his arm for Jack to join them in their hugging session on the floor. He did so, wrapping his arms around his daughter and husband.

"I'm sorry I'm so stupid sometimes." Mark apologized. "I don't know what I'd do without the both of you in my life." Mark hugged them both with more force than before until they started squirming.

"You're kinda- You're kinda squeezing me Daddy-" Aednat laughed. Mark let go and laughed.

"Sorry, I just love you guys a lot." Jack smiled and planted a kiss on Mark's cheek.

"Well, we love you too."

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