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Suggested by @BooperDoopinMarkimoo
Mark and Jack switch channels for a week and don't mention anything to the fans about it.


It's a jungle. If you take one step out of line, you're on DramaAlert with Gnomestar. No questions asked, even if there's evidence given with your "rape accusation." That's why Mark was worried about switching channels with Jack.

"It'll be fun! We won't even tell anyone too!" Jack went on, waving his arms about for emphasis while Mark sat in front of his computer editing an older prop hunt video.

"Babe, you do know who's gonna get a special new story on DramaAlert, don't you?" Jack scoffed and leaned against the wall.

"Keemstar isn't gonna get us on DramaAlert, it'll be a little thing. Since we're switching channels, it won't be like we're hacked. Our fans'll know we're messin' with 'em." Mark sighed and rolled his eyes, giving in with a smile.

"Fiiiiiine." Jack and Mark proceeded to exchange passwords with one another, then taking them to their own computers and logging in.

Noticing Mark hasn't uploaded today, Jack decided to make a Happy Wheels video. He turned his capture on and started the video.

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to Happy Wheels." Jack mocked Mark's deep voice and American accent, blabbering on about hamburgers and hotdogs. With every fail on spike falls and harpoon runs, he attempted Mark's laugh; a forced exhale and a fast, deep laugh at the end. In the room down the hall, Mark began his own video on Jack's channel.

He gave the camera a high-five and began his boyfriend's intro.

"Toppa thamornin to ya laddies! My name's Jacksepticeye and welcome back to... HAAAAAAAAAPPY WHEEEEEEEELS!" Mark absolutely butchered Jack's accent.


The two finished recording and editing the opposite's video and published it, immediately getting confused comments. On Jack's channel;


Mark wyd get off Jack's channel u memelord


maRK nO boO yOU whoRE

And on Mark's channel;


oh my god mark I dont remember you being you being this irish and green


Get free Clash of Clan coins! Click the link on my channel and get free coins and gems fast!

Of course the comments went crazy over the two switching channels, but they knew it had to be a joke. Neither of them would hack the other's channel. I mean, they're best friends, aren't they?

A week had gone by with the comments settling down and adapting to this joke, Mark becoming comfortable in Jack's channel and vice versa. Eventually, they had to make a video declaring the joke they'd played.

"Mark?" Jack asked Mark, who was sitting on the couch with him. "You wanna tell the fans about the channel switching thing or just completely disregard it?"

"Let's not tell them."

"You read my mind. How long do you think they'll be talking about it?"

"No idea."

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