Hold On A Second

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"I'm stuck." A voice came from under the computer desk. The man on the screen laughed.

"How in hell are you stuck? Why are you even under there anyways?"

"I lost my glasses and I can't find them."

"That's why you need new glasses. You've had those for like, three years." The raven-haired man scoffed and tried to sit up, but hit his head on the underside of the desk.

"Well, I'm sorry I don't have enough time to get new ones. I'm waiting 'till these break."

One Week Later...

Jack stepped beside Mark on the panel as he squinted his eyes out at the crowd of fans.

"Couldn't find them, I assume?"

"I don't know where the hell they'd be, I just dropped them under my damn desk, then Chica came under to sniff me. She just walked away with the squeaky toy she-" Mark sighed and rubbed his hands down his face.

"I think you've found your glasses, babe."

"I'm so frustrated right now,-" Mark said, turning to Jack and shaking him by his shoulders. The Irishman laughed.

"You're hilarious. You should totally kiss me. Because that's what you do. Make our fans have aneurysms when we hug or anything. It'll also make you forget about being blind."

"How can I forget about being bli-" Jack grabbed Mark's face and pulled him into a kiss. The fans, of course, went crazy. Who could blame them, watching Wade talk about his high school crushes wasn't very interesting.

"Guys, we're in the middle of a panel?" Bob interrupted, patting the table. The two payed no attention to the last three minutes of the panel. When asked to stop distracting one another, a finger would be held up to signal to wait a second.

As expected, that second was a long one.

I'm sorry this sucks lmao I'm running out of ideas comment some please

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