The Hunger Games {Part 1}

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I do not own the Hunger Games franchise nor do I have any affiliation with it. I just really like the idea of writing in this sort of style. Enjoy.


"You'll do fine. Your suit is made for this type of thing. You think the Capitol would let me make a fool of you?" Felix asked as he walked with me down the bright hallway. I nodded.

"Yes, to put it simply." Felix laughed and stopped me in front of my transport tube.

"Mark, don't worry about any of this. You'll do fine."

"I could die and you're telling me not to worry?!"

"I'm trying to reassure you! Have some confidence in yourself, for Christ's sake." Felix punched my shoulder and made me step back into my tube.

"Fine. Hey, thanks for being here and doing all this for me." I gestured to my suit, then pulling my bow off its sling and holding it out for him to examine. He ran his fingers along the quiver, then gently pushing the bow back into my chest.

"Don't mention it. Just be grateful I didn't make your suit like the Capitol told me to." I chuckled.

"Yeah. I'll see you on the other side, alright?" I returned my bow back to its sling. Without warning, I wrapped my arms around Felix's neck, engulfing him in a hug. He chuckled and patted my back.

"Alright." I stepped back into the now open tube. The door slid shut and locked with a satisfying whoosh.

Men had come up behind Felix and put their hands on his shoulders, turning him around. They started punching him and slamming him into my tube as I began to rise.

"Felix! Leave him alone! Don't touch him!" I begged as tears ran down my face. Before I knew it, Felix was being dragged off by those men and I was now standing on a rock in the middle of a watery death arena.

"Happy Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor." A booming voice called out. It began to count down. In that time, I surveyed my surroundings.

There were other kids my age, roughly eighteen, standing on rocks in the same sort of style my suit was. They didn't have bows on their backs, but instead spears, swords, javelins, and other projectile weapons. I was skilled with my bow and I had no worries about using it.






And he cannon blasted.

A majority of the kids ran out into the water and to the shore, sprinting into the tree line. I decided to grab a backpack and run before I got myself killed hanging around.

After a few minutes of running, I found myself laying on the ground out of breath. I felt my leg; a sharp pain shot down through my foot. I closed my eyes and tried to take breaths unsuccessfully.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked. I immediately felt the touch of another's hand on my stomach as another planted itself on my thigh.

"I-I don't know." I replied, not knowing exactly who I was talking to, whether it be the other tribute from my district or another district's tribute.

"We need to move. I can already see a Tracker Jacker hive above us." Being more alert, I opened my eyes and studied the man who'd been talking to me.

His suit was almost exactly like mine, but instead of a bow, he had a javelin across his back. He had a backpack over his shoulder as did I. He stood and pushed the hair out of his eyes. May I mention his hair? Yeah, it was green, like the color of the trees surrounding us. He offered his hand out to me and I took it, standing up. I almost fell back down on account of the pain in my leg.

"I can't hardly stand," I grunted, pushing myself up against the tree I had fallen near.

"Suck it up, the peace period's almost over. If you don't want to die, come with me."

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