Doorbell Baby

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It was three in the morning and pouring rain. The windows had been fogged since eight last evening, and the rain felt like cold needles on one's bare skin. It was too cold to be roaming the streets of Los Angeles California, which is why hearing the doorbell ring concerned Sean.

He raised his head from his pillow, scanning the room with sleepy eyes. There wasn't a shadow under the hall door crack, so no one had broken into the house. The closet was still messy, Sean's clothes draping over the doors.

He rubbed his eyes and rolled over on his back, feeling where Mark would've been laying. Sean sighed.

Mark went to visit his family back in Ohio for the weekend, and he told Sean he'd be back tonight, and he still wasn't home. He didn't worry about it much, he knew he'd been home soon and back in his boyfriend's arms.

Sean stood up and felt around for his shirt, which he had stripped off sometime last night due to sweating excessively. He retrieved it and threw it on, shaking it out at the bottom.

He opened the bedroom door and started down the hallway to the front door, taking light steps. As well as the windows, the floor seemed to have formed it's own layer of frost.

He pulled open the front door to be met by a soaking wet Markiplier, who was staring at the doorstep.

"Mark!" His voice was small and weak. Sean reached his arms out to Mark, not realizing the small box that lay in front of his feet. Mark peeled his stare away from the small box and smiled at Sean, wrapping his arms around him in a bear hug.

"God, I know it's only been three days, but damn, I missed you." Mark whispered, smiling. Sean chuckled, running his hands up and down Mark's back. He pulled away, leaving Sean wet with rainwater. He didn't mind, of course.

"You didn't order anything, did you?" Mark asked, lifting the box up to Sean's eyes. He shook his head.

"I heard the doorbell a couple minutes ago, so I came out to check if you couldn't get in or somethin'." Sean murmured, moving back so Mark could step in. Mark handed the box off to his boyfriend as he closed the door.

"I'm gonna go shower and get dressed, want to open the box together? It seems sketchy with those holes in it."  Sean nodded and started towards the bedroom.

"I'll be in here with the box, k?" Mark nodded and hauled his bags to the kitchen and then scuffled to the bathroom.

Sean sat the box down on the sheets and turned the bedside table lamp on, it giving enough light to illuminate the room just enough to see.


"Have you opened the box yet?" Mark asked Sean as he walked into the bedroom, his towel draped loosely around his waist. Sean's face lit up bright pink as he shook his head.

"No, I was waiting for you. I've held it for a bit, and I could hear...breathing." Sean talked as Mark dressed.

He sat cross-legged across from his boyfriend, who was under the bedsheets holding the box close to his ear. He sat the box in Mark's open arms, who held the box up to his ear and listened. He nodded.

"Well... Open it." Sean encouraged Mark, too afraid to open himself. Mark nodded and slowly pulled the lid off of the box.

Inside lay a small, breathing, baby girl. Her sprig of dirty blonde hair fell down in her face over her stormy grey eyes. Her skin was like Sean's; like paper. White as can be. She was swaddled in a light purple blanket that crept up to the corners of her mouth. Her eyes fluttered as she looked up at Mark, her eyes full of wonder.

"Is that a... A baby...?" Sean asked, pushing the swaddling away from around the child's mouth. Mark slowly nodded as he gently picked the baby girl up out of the box. She began to cry.

"Shhh, it's okay baby girl, it's okay!" Mark comforted, the little girl reaching her tiny hands up to poke at his mouth. They were cold as ice. Mark chuckled.

"Who would've left a baby at our door?!" Sean whispered frantically. Mark shrugged.

"I don't know, but I'm glad we saw her when we did. She's so cold..." Mark handed her off to his shaking boyfriend, who carefully wrapped his arms around the drowsy child. She grabbed for Sean's stubbly chin, giggling as she did so.

"She's so small all over..." Sean cooed, tickling the little girl's nose. She grabbed his finger and started sucking on it. Sean looked up at Mark, a large smile spreading across his face as the infant continued to salivate the man's finger.

"We can't put up a sign for a missing baby, so we might as well take care of her." Mark suggested, scooting closer to Sean and the baby.

"I saw a note flutter out of the box when you picked her up, it's sitting over there," Sean directed, Mark diving for it. He read it aloud once he had it in his hands.

"'This baby won't last a day with our family, please, keep her and treat her like a princess.'" Mark read. "It's written like the person was rushing."

"I bet so. We'll have to keep her then." Sean said, looking back down at the baby. She had fallen asleep with his finger in her mouth.

"She'll need a name. You do the honors." Mark suggested. Sean's eyes wandered around the room until he was hit with a name.

"How about Aednat?" Mark's face lit up.

"I like it. It isn't English, is it? Does it mean anything?" Sean hesitated and looked down at the child in his arms, who  was now asleep.

"Little fire."


You pronounce her name "ey-nit" :)

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