Does Anyone Have A Question?

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Alright, so I'm dedicating this chapter to @BzzyIzzy because as I was writing this one shot, they suggested an idea that was supremely close to what I already had. So that's my dedication for this chapter! Hope you enjoy! :3


"Okay," Mark started, pushing the Cards Against Humanity box and its cards to the side of the table. "We'll be taking questions from you guys. Any questions for Jack, Felix, Ken, or me, we'll answer them." A girl about fifteen had already beaten everyone else up to the microphone and held it shakily in her small hand.

"Uh, h-hey! I have a question for Mark-" Mark gave her a warm, hearty smile as he leaned back into the black couch.

"Hold on a second, what's your name?" Mark asked the girl. Her voice shook terribly.


"Ah, that's a pretty name. Ask your question, Grayson."

"Are you going to be uploading any more videos of The Forest with Jack?" She asked, stopping and hesitating to speak after some words. Mark waved his hand and Jack sat up in his chair.

"Uh, maybe. I don't know if they've updated the game. I really haven't kept track of it for a while now, and I'm sure Jack is sick and tired of dying at the hands of cannibals." Mark finished, laughing at his own joke. Jack scoffed.

"Yeah, whatever. What if I liked dying?" Jack rolled his eyes and sprawled out in his chair, letting his legs fall over the arm.

"Pfsh. So you could expect some more videos on The Forest. That reminds me," Mark stood up and waved his hands about wildly.

"Does anyone have any questions they'd like to ask? Like, special questions?" Mark asked, hinting at that one really important question every thin girl wants to be asked by her buff, tanned boyfriend.

Jack suddenly stood up and waved his arms as well. Ken and Felix looked at the two lovebirds with grins.

"Whadyou think they're trying to imply?" Ken asked Felix, knowing what Mark had planned.

"The hell do you think?" Mark shushed the chattering crowd with a wave of his arm.

"Alright, alright, if nobody has a question they'd like to ask..." Mark trailed off, reaching into his back pocket with one hand and reaching for Jack's hand with the other. Jack quickly glanced at Mark's hand and grabbed it, the crowd going absolutely bonkers.

"Alright everyone, alright alright. If you don't have any questions to ask one another, I have one to ask someone special." Mark turned to Jack and held both his hands, rubbing them with his thumbs.

"Jack, I know we've know each other forever; we've played Rocket League, The Forest, and so many other games together and gone to so many conventions. We've had an absolute blast together with Felix and Ken and Tiffany," Mark stopped to gesture to Felix and Ken, who were laying back on the couch with huge grins.

"This one question means so much to me, and I want you to know I love you so, so much." Mark sat down on the ground on his knees and pulled a small box out of his pocket. Jack threw his hands over his mouth, tears threatening to run down his face. Mark opened the box to a small ring. In the center lay Jack's birthstone, an amethyst with diamonds encrusted.

"Will you do my honors of making me the happiest dude on earth and marry my lazy ass?" A small smile spread across Mark's face as Jack slowly reached down to Mark's face and planted a kiss on his forehead.

He whispered, "Of course I will, ya lazy." Mark laughed and wrapped his arms around Jack's waist, lifting him up in the air and twirling him in a circle. Jack slid the ring on his finger and admired it as Mark put him down, kissing Jack's face all over.

"Who knew that would happen?" Ken asked the crowd, of which everyone was going crazy and cheering and hugging one another.

"Knew it." Felix said. "I SHIP IT!"

I think you can guess who the tan, buff boyfriend and thin girl are.

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