Christmas Presents

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Mark's eyes slowly opened as his phone's alarm went off. He coughed and picked it up to snooze it. 4:30, he thought. It's too damn early.

He slowly rolled out of bed under the duvet to make sure he didn't wake the sleeping form beside him. Once he had stood and thrown pants on, he looked back at the green-haired boy buried under covers and smiled.

He snuck downstairs and admired the handiwork he'd done the night before after Sean, Ryan, and Matt had gone to sleep.

The living room had been decorated with red and green streamers to symbolize not only the boys' hair colors, but Christmas as well. The walls were covered with random glitter splotches and ornaments tacked to it. The tree was a fake, white one. It's branches held blue lights and blue ornaments.

Mark bent down in front of the couch and felt a hand under it, feeling for the small box he'd put under there earlier. He felt it and grabbed it, pulling it out from under the couch. He sat on his knees and smiled. Just a couple more hours, he thought to himself.

He slid the wrapped box under the tree along with everyone else's presents and slowly made his way back upstairs to go back to bed.

He walked up the stairs and stopped at the top, knocking on Matt and Ryan's door. A groan sounded from the other side.

"What do you want Mark?" Matt groaned, knowing that Mark would be the one up at four in the morning.

"Good morning." Matt threw his pillow at the door.

Mark laughed and proceeded down the hallway and to his and Sean's bedroom.

He opened the door silently, noticing Chica laying on the bed on Sean's pillow. Her body was halfway under the covers. Mark smiled and crawled back under the covers. He wrapped his arm around Sean, earning a disinterested and sleepy grunt. But nonetheless, he scooted closer to Mark until he was entirely on top of him; Chica had the left side of the bed all to herself.


"Santa came, baby." Sean whispered to his sleeping boyfriend, who had been unmoving since five. Matt and Ryan were already downstairs and waiting on the couch or making coffee or whatever they did at nine in the morning.

"Mmff..." Sean snorted under his breath. He pushed the messy and slightly sweaty hair away from Mark's face and kissed his cheek.

"Come downstairs. Matt'll have presents out and breakfast made. The faster you get down there, the faster we can open presents." Sean climbed down from the bed and lumbered downstairs to run into Matt, who, actually, had fixed the household breakfast and had it out on the kitchen table.

"Where's Mark?" Ryan asked as he dipped his bacon in the puddle of syrup on his plate. Sean rubbed his eyes as he sat down in one of the free chairs.

"He's up there being lazy and not getting up on Christmas." Matt chuckled, sitting in a chair as well. He sat breakfast down in front of Sean and began to eat his own.

"You guys have a weird dynamic." Sean chuckled and nodded.

A door opened upstairs and closed very quickly, a short red haired man stumbling and fumbling down the stairs shortly thereafter.

Sean didn't even look up from his breakfast, just held his cup of coffee out behind him for Mark to grab and drink. He'd done this way too many times to be surprised.

Mark grabbed the cup and downed the scalding hot coffee in four large gulps, not caring if it burned his mouth and throat alive.

"Seaahhhh!" Mark managed as he leaned over the table, arms shaking. Sean laughed and patted Mark's back.

"Too much too quickly?" Mark shook his head and took quick breaths in and out.

"It's juhst... Hhhhooooot. But uhhhh, cohme hhhhhhere." Mark said, now out of breath and yearning for something cold to wash the coffee out of his mouth.

He grabbed Sean and Matt's wrists and pulled them out of their chairs with Ryan on their heels. Mark sat Sean down on the couch closest to the tree and left Matt and Ryan to sit wherever they pleased.

"You gotta hhhopen presents, right?" Mark said, the heat dying down as he took a breath. Sean nodded hesitantly. Mark smiled and walked into the kitchen, pulling the quart gallon of milk out of the fridge and downing it completely.

"Jesus, Mark, come here." Sean held his arm out and signaled for Mark to put the gallon back in the fridge. He did so and sat back on the couch, and a tad sweaty may I add.

He leaned forward and pulled presents out from under the tree and handed them out to their recipients. Each took the gift happily, taking turns opening the wrapped boxes. Last but not least, it was Sean's turn to open his last present: the smallest box under the tree.

Mark took Sean's hand, intertwining their fingers. Sean looked up with a questionable look on his face.

"Why're you all lovey-dovey all of a sudden?" Mark smiled. He slid off of the couch and onto the floor in front of his boyfriend, taking the small hand-wrapped gift from his free hand, as he was stilling holding Mark's.

Mark let go of Sean's, his fingers going astray, lingering and tapping on his leg. He took the wrapping off, revealing a smaller black velvet box that held who knows what. Mark's face held the largest smile you'd ever laid eyes on.

"Sean, we've know each other for a long time. It seems like forever ago we played Prop Hunt together, playing Rocket League until our abs aches from laughter, and what I hope to be more." Mark opened the small box to reveal a small ring with a diamond as large as diamonds you'd see in a Disney movie.

Sean threw a hand over his mouth, the other slightly shaking in his lap. A huge grin played across the Irishman's face.

"Sean William McLoughlin, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in history and be my husband?"

"What do I get in return?"

"All the cookies and cake you desire, my sweet."

"Of course I'll do you those honors, you idiot." Sean threw himself into Mark's arms and tackled him to the ground, smothering him with kisses. Matt and Ryan both stared in disbelief. They didn't Mark would actually man up and propose, but damn them, he did.

"Stop being so adorable, my heart can't handle it!" Ryan said, holding his chin and pretending to faint into Matt's lap.

"You've made me so happy, Sean," Mark whispered, sitting upright and hugging the smaller, all the while rubbing circles into Sean's back and stroking his bright green hair.

"You've made ME so happy, Mark." Sean whispered.

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