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I haven't written smut in like a while and I tried but it sucked lmao
Have this cyootie patootie chapter instead
Thank you and good night


He finally gave up. Sleeping was impossible. Faded red wisps of hair dangled down in his face, shorts all twisted around his waist, and his phone on his chest buzzing. Maybe he couldn't sleep because he'd been on his phone for three hours straight, or it was because he was used to having someone to sleep next to. Chica wasn't really fulfilling Mark's wishes of having a cuddle buddy.

He decided to check his phone once more. Mark dialed a number and put his phone to his ear, waiting for the accented voice to answer.

"Hello?" Jack answered. He sounded like he'd been asleep for at least a century. Mark sighed and ran his hand down his face.


"Mark? What the hell are you doing up at three in the morning?!" Jack groaned. "I was sleeping nicely for the first time in like, ten years."


"It's fine. Why'd you call me? Is something wrong? Are you alright?" Mark loved how Jack always assumed something was wrong, then immediately thought of Mark's well being. He smiled at the thought.

"I can't sleep." Jack sighed.

"I'm sorry. Is that why you called?" Mark hummed. "Because you can't sleep?" Mark hummed again.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just... I can't sleep on my own. I'm used to having someone here with me but since nobody's here-"

"I'm on my way. Leave the door unlocked and I'll lock it back when I come in." Mark didn't actually expect Jack to come over. Hell, he didn't even ask yet.

"I didn't mean, like, you don't have to-"

"Yeah. I do. I'll see you in a little bit. I love you, I'm on my way." Jack hung up.

Mark laid with his phone to his ear. He didn't know Jack would actually come over. He thought Jack would take as "Oh, Mark's in need again. Shit." But he never takes it that way. He knows Mark isn't like that.

With that, Mark wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and proceeded to walk downstairs to unlock the door. As he opened the door, a rush of cold air washed inside his home. Along with it, the swish of a blanket and a green haired Irishman into his grasp.

"Let's go," He whispered. Jack had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and his Overwatch hoodie draped around the waist of his shorts. He shut and locked the door, took Mark's hand, and walked them both to Mark's room.

"Why didn't you bother to change into pants or something? It's cold as hell!" Jack shook his head.

"Hoodie hangs low enough." He opened Mark's bedroom door and let go of his hand, already straightening the sheets and blankets on the bed.

"You probably can't sleep because it's cold." Jack sat down on the bed and waved his hand to motion Mark to lay beside him. He did so.

Mark shed the blanket from his bare shoulders and laid down next to Jack. He pulled the sheets up and faced his boyfriend.

"You didn't have to come all this way."

"Yes I did." Jack laid down under the covers and wrapped his arms around Mark. "I asked you if you wanted me to stay last night and you said you were fine."

"Yeah, because I thought I would be." Jack sighed and pulled Mark into the bend of his body. He kissed his forehead and buried his face in Mark's hair.

"Okay. I thought it was a booty call." Mark smiled against Jack's chest.

"I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, baby."

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