Pity Party

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Sorry, I just like this picture XD
Mark's PoV

I sat on my couch, waiting for my friends to come knocking on my door for my eighteenth birthday. I sat, and sat, and sat.

I was about to call my mom and tell her to call off renting a movie, then came a knock on the door. A smile spread across my face as I bolted to the front door to greet my guests.

I swung the door open hastily to be met with a bright blue stare.

"Hi!" The boy said, standing with a wrapped box in his outstretched arms. I was confused. I've never seen this boy in my life.

"I uh... Who are you?" I asked, even more confused as he shook the wrapped gift.

"I'm Sean!" He said, smiling. I smiled back, to be polite.


"Hm... Does Jack ring a bell? Jackaboy maybe? I live right down the street and your mom called me and asked me if I wanted to come to her son's birthday, so I said I'd try. So here I am!" Sean said. Something clicked in my mind.

"Aren't you an exchange student from Ireland?" I said, holding the door open and motioning him in. He stepped inside as I shut the door behind him.

"Yeh, I've been living here for ten years, but I still haven't lost my accent. Is there somewhere I can put your present?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'll take that." I took the box from his hands, our fingertips touching momentarily. I sat the box down on the kitchen table and walked back to the couch, inviting Sean to sit with me. He smiled and happily accepted.

"So... How is it being eighteen?" Sean asked. I sat my head in my hands.

"I'm not eighteen yet, I'll turn at twelve tonight." Sean gave an amazing look.

"Really? I was born at twelve too!" He giggled. How could I be in a bad mood with this jumpy guy around?

I smiled.

"Cool." We sat in silence for another couple minutes until I spoke up.

"Hey, I have some games upstairs if you want to come play." I stood, gesturing to my room upstairs. He nodded.

We both started up the stairs, me getting in front of Sean and opening the door.

It was a big room, complete with padding covering the walls and door. I had two monitors sitting beside each other on my desk, making a conjoining PC screen. I had two shelves full of games against the far wall, along with what seemed like millions of cords that ran along the wall.

My bed was against the wall beside the bookshelves. My dresser was positioned near my desk.

"Dude, this is awesome! It's better than my room!" Sean exclaimed, marveling at the padding-clad room. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's not all that amazing."

"Pfsh, yeah right. Well, up for some Castle Crashers?"

"Of course."


"Hey man, what time is it?" I asked Sean, who was spread out on my floor half asleep. I, on the other hand, had shoved him off my bed hours ago after he beat me in one of the million games we played.

"Eleven thirty, man..." I heard him start snoring. I chuckled, spreading the length of my body over my bed.

"I just realized something." I said, with a touch of soul-searchy-ness to my voice.


"We used to play in the street together in the summer back years ago. When you had just moved here." I said. Sean sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"That's probably why yer ma had mine's number." Sean's accent was thick on his tongue, making me smile.

I don't know why I was so happy around him. He gave off amazingly great vibes that nobody could get sad or mad around him. Since I've been depressed lately, nothing's cheered me up.

"You know, Jack, since my dad died, I've been really depressed. But you just..." I sighed. Sean stretched his arms out and climbed back up on the bed in front of me.

"What is it?" He asked. My eyes started to water, and Sean noticed.

"You're such a... A nice guy... And I don't know... I don't know why you're even here for me, and I-" He wrapped his arms around me, and I lost it. I cried for what felt like hours. We sat in silence, the sound of my sobs cutting through the air.

He would stroke my hair every couple seconds and tell me he was there, telling me there was nothing to worry about.

"It's twelve, bud." Sean whispered. I nodded.

"Happy birthday, Mark." I pulled my head up to be met yet again by the deep, blue, oceanic eyes. I tried to manage a smile. He smiled back at me, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Thanks. I... I appreciate this." Sean nodded as I scooted back hesitantly.

"Anytime." We sat in silence for a couple more minutes until my mom walked in.

"How are you boys doing?" She said, noticing my red face.

"Fine." Sean said, shaking his sleeve down and wiping the tears off my cheeks. I blushed a dangerous shade of pink on top of the red.

"It looks like you've got him under control, Sean. I have the movie if you want it..." She threw me the disk, it landing on the bed beside us.

"Thanks mom." I said. She smiled and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"I just have one question before we watch the movie." Sean said, scooting back into my pillows.

"Yeah?" I scooted back beside him.

"Why did nobody else show up?" I gave an exasperated sigh.

"I'm lame. I have zero friends."

"You have me, Mark."

I stood and put the disk in my console and began playing it. I sat back down beside Sean.

"Hey, this may sound weird, but can I uh..." Sean nodded.

"Com'ere." Sean put his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't help but give a goofy grin as I scooted inwards towards him, nestling myself under his arm.


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