Insomnia58 Visit

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He wished he could touch him. Just reach right out and touch him, to get the closure he needed. But he lived a country away, and Jack didn't have that kind of money for a flight there. Not now, he didn't. His roommates had moved out, so he was stuck paying his own bills again. His parents didn't offer to help him because Jack had told them himself he knew he could handle it. Or at least, he thought he could.

"Guess what?" Mark asked giddily, leaning over his desk on his forearms. Jack smiled and did the same.

"What?" He asked in the same bouncy tone. Mark picked at his nails.

"I've booked a flight over to Europe for Insomnia58." Jack's stomach dropped to his heels. A rather large smile crossed his face.

"Oh my god that's awesome." He ran his words together. His excitement quickly fled, leaving him with a sad expression.

"If it's so awesome, why d'you look so mopey?" Mark pointed out. Jack shook his head and tapped his fingers against his temple.

"My parents wanted me to come down since I haven't seen them in a couple months. Also, I can't afford it." Mark sighed.

"Hey, it's Insomnia's fault innit? Having conventions while your parents want you to come down? Darn Insomnia and money." Jack laughed.

"Yeah, darn Insomnia. We'll have to plan something that's fits with your schedule."

"I don't have many meetups or anything going on, so how about..." Mark face turned up in concentration, drawing his calendar in the air with his finger.

"Done?" Jack asked, interrupting Mark's train of thought. He nodded.

"Is Saturday okay?" Jack nodded. "Okay, cool. I'll be free from..." Mark's thoughts took him away again. Jack cleared his throat awkwardly to get his attention.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'll be free at six and the rest of the night." Jack clapped his hands.

"That's great! You can come with me to visit!"

"Think they'll like me?"

"Sure they will. My pa might be a bit skeptical because of your hair, but whatever." Mark cocked his brow.

"Oh really? He does like yours though?" Jack laughed and palmed his desk.

"Yep. Told him it was for charity and he took a liking to it." Mark looked skeptical.

"But I did mine for charity, then you said you'd do yours green if I did mine!" Jack rolled his eyes.

"Yeah okay, whatever, Mr. Gotta Get My Story Straight."

"Are your friends in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State?"

"I hate love you, you asshole."

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