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"Hey, babe?" Sean asked Mark as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, Mark fixing dinner with his back turned.

"Uh huh?" Mark hummed as he flipped the pancakes on the burner. Sean walked behind him and wrapped his arms around Mark's waist and planted kisses on the nape of his neck.

"Pancakes for dinner? Really?" Mark turned around pulled Sean's lips towards his, joining them in an intimate kiss.


"I think I'd rather have you.~" Sean whispered into Mark's ear, causing Mark to make a 'Pfsh' sound. Sean sat down at the table and sat crossed-legged in his chair.

"I'm the one with the cheesy pick up lines, sir. Anyways, what didja want earlier when you walked in?" Mark asked as he sat a plateful of pancakes in front of Sean. He shoved the two in his mouth and snuck up behind Mark.

When Mark turned to walk to the table, he was met by his boyfriend's mouthful of pancakes. Mark immediately pulled backwards after kissing back and noticing something different.

"Swallow your food before you kiss me, or I'll take it from you and eat it myself." Sean chuckled, then chewed and swallowed his pancakes.

"I came to ask you if I could borrow your computer. Mine's bein' an arse and not letting me edit my videos and shit." Mark kissed Sean's forehead and walked around him to sit at the table.

"Of course, baby boy." Sean's face grew red, as Mark had never called him by this nickname before, only different forms of Jack.

Sean stomped off with his face flushed, Mark's fast, deep laugh echoing in the kitchen.

Sean opened the door to Mark's recording room and closed the door behind him, locking it. He sat down in Mark's chair and leaned back.

"Now to get some editing done." Sean spoke aloud. He stayed on Mark's computer for about two and a half hours, editing and answering comments on Twitter and Tumblr and such.

It wouldn't hurt to Google something really fast, though... Sean thought to himself.

He then logged in to Google, getting ready to search what was on his mind.

The first suggestion to look up was a Septiplier one. There was a link to a fanfiction that was in purple, so that meant Mark had Googled Septiplier and clicked the link. Sean chuckled to himself, not knowing that Mark actually read Septiplier shipping stories. In the link contained a fanfiction called We, The Septiplier Shippers . It pointed out things that tried to convince the readers that Septiplier was real, only to be shot down by non-shippers, people that didn't like gay ships, or people who came to read One Direction books.

Curious, Sean started to read the stories, seeing where Mark had commented in different places. One of them, in particular, caught Sean's eye.

'Yeah, that sounds about right. I was hoping Jack didn't propose to me so I could propose to him. I hope he's ready, I have a little speech prepared and everything. ;)' Sean stared at the comment for seemed like an hour, until Mark knocked on the door.

"Almost done, babe? I have thumbnails I need to work on." Mark yelled through the door.

"Yeh, almost done." Sean called back, closing the tab and putting his screen back at the dash. Just to be random, he copied an image of Dickbutt off of Google and made it Mark's wallpaper. He chuckled at the vision of Mark sitting in this very spot and laughing at what Sean did.

He stood up, unlocked the door, and opened it for Mark. Sean walked straight past Mark with a huge smile on his face.

"Don't I get a thank you or a kiss for letting you borrow my computer?" Sean stopped, turned on his heels, and ran into Mark, giving him a sloppy kiss.

"Thanks, babe. I love you." Sean poked Mark's nose.

"I love you too, baby boy." Sean buried his face in Mark's chest and turned red once more.
I'm so sorry to those who read that last part. That was Haylea-chan , THANK YOU VERY MUCH YOU RUINED THE MOOD.

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