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Harry smirks, but his eyes look sad. "Yep. That's me. Bitter as hell."

"Why is that, Harry? Why are you so bitter?" Zayn looks sad as well, and he's beginning to realise that maybe he and Harry aren't such a good pair. Not because he doesn't like Harry, but just because everything he says makes Zayn so sad.

"I guess I just see everything that's wrong with the world, instead of all the positive things. I just... I can't stop seeing all the pain." Harry blushes, and looks down at his balled up fists.

"How do you mean, Harry? What's an example of the pain you see?" Zayn knows it's unprofessional, but he just wants to give Harry a hug and tell him that he doesn't have to keep up the illusion that he doesn't care, because Zayn knows he does.

"World hunger. Sexual assault. Unfair work environments. Mental disorder stigma. Climate change and natural disasters. People murdering each other in cold blood. I mean, with those issues, how can you not see it?"

Zayn frowns. Harry looks so... helpless. And depressed. Zayn really needs to step it up, and help Harry. "Well, what we must do is admit that there are terrible things happening out there, but not let it bring us down. Instead, try to have a more positive outlook on life. With every negative thing you notice, name three positive things. Or four, because I know you'll want an even number. Would you like to try that, Harry?"

Harry smiles at Zayn, and Zayn thinks that maybe he saw a glimmer of hope in Harry's eye, but he's not sure. "Sure. Can we try it now?"

Zayn smiles widely, and can't help but feeling a little proud at how eager Harry is. "Okay. What's something negative that troubles you?"

"Diminishing resources."

"Good one. Now, think of four positive things that directly affect you." Zayn smiles kindly at Harry, and Harry blushes under his gaze.

Harry glances up at the ceiling eyes glazed in thought, and bites his lip. "My friends, I guess. My family, I suppose. Having enough to eat and drink everyday. One more, right?"

Zayn nods encouragingly. "Yes."

"Well, don't take this the wrong way, or anything. But, um, another good thing in my life is... you."

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