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Harry adjusts his scarf a little bit in the mirror, keeping his eye on Zayn sitting on the bed. "You okay, baby? Well, as okay as one can be on a day like this."

Zayn nods, but his expression remains rather blank. "Yep. I'll be fine, eventually."

Harry nods solemnly, and kisses Zayn's shoulder. "I love you. I'm 100%, completely here for you. Forever."

Zayn smiles, and blinks away a tear from his eye. "Thank you, lovely. I love you too. Now, let's not keep everyone waiting."

Harry smiles softly, and nods. "Alright." He takes Zayn's hand into his and strokes his knuckles gently. "I love you baby. Let's go."

Zayn leans his head on Harry's shoulder heavily and takes a deep breath. They walk down the stairs hand in hand and wait patiently on the couch for Trisha.

Safaa sits down next to Harry and leans her head on his shoulder. "How you doing, Zayno?"

Zayn smiles slightly at the nickname, and runs his finger around Harry's wrist absentmindedly. "Alright, I suppose. You?"

"I miss her loads. But I'll be okay. We all will. Harry, will you do my hair again?"

Harry smiles. "Sure, love. How do you want it done?"

"Two braids, please."

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check on Mum." Zayn smiles slightly at them and heads up the stairs.

Harry combs through Saf's hair with his fingers and smiles. "Do you think Zayn'll be alright today?"

She bites her lip for a second and nods. "He's strong. He'll be just fine. We'll all miss her though. I'm glad he has you, though. You're good for him. Ow! Don't pull so hard!" Safaa laughs, and nudges Harry with her elbow.

"Sorry!" Harry laughs lightly, and looks up to see Doniya covering her face with her hand. "Just a sec, Saf."

He puts a hand on Doniya's shoulder and frowns. "Are you okay, love?"

She nods, but he sees the tears on her cheeks before she can wipe them away. "It's alright to cry. You know that, right? You've experienced this terrible, horrible, entirely significant loss, and you have every right to cry. Trust me. I cry all the time over frivolous things that don't matter, so believe me when I tell you, I will be literally the last person on earth judging you for crying, babe."

Doniya lets out a sob and wraps her arms around Harry's waist. "Thank you, Harry. Thank you. It means a lot."

He rubs her back and strokes her hair gently. "No worries, Don I'm here for you guys. Completely."

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