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vibey songs for this fluffy chapter:
> casimir pulaski day by sufjan stevens (warning babies: this song is real sad)
> good riddance by green day
> greedy by ariana grande
> high hopes by kodaline
> someone else by lany
> from afar by vance joy
> holding on by johnny stimson
> the one by kodaline
> you there by aquilo
> your song by ellie goulding
> in your hands by joshua radin
> missing you by john waite
> make you feel my love by adele
> georgia by vance joy
> dangerous woman by ariana grande


Zayn strokes Harry's hair softly, and kisses his forehead a few times. Harry's asleep, and he's curled himself up into a little ball against Zayn's chest. Zayn is so lucky to have him in his life.

Zayn makes sure Harry is nice and tucked in, and gets himself up to pack up their stuff. He hums softly as he folds Harry's clothes and packs them away gently, not wanting to wrinkle any of his expensive shirts. After he's done, he looks down at baby Harry, and feels a tear drip down his cheek. Zayn knows that Harry had been trying to lose some weight, not that he approved, but he couldn't really do anything about it. He can't exactly force Harry to eat. He just doesn't know how he let it get this far. Harry is just skin and bones, to the point that he can barely function. Zayn needs to work out a diet plan so they can get Harry's blood sugar regulated so he can stop passing out.

He quickly wipes the tears away from his eyes, and lays down on the bed next to Harry. He's just so... sad. Harry is such a force of energy, and he's so stunning and angelic, and yet, he does these horrible things to himself. Zayn knows it isn't his fault, but he can't help but be upset. His angel, his baby, is in pain. He hates himself. Enough to starve himself and cut his skin and neglect himself. It's so sad. Harry is so lovely. He deserves all the love in the world and more.

Zayn nuzzles his nose into Harry's neck, and kisses his back softly. "I love you," he murmurs. He really does. He's so in love.

Harry sighs in response, and shifts a little. Zayn kisses him again, and rubs his thumb over Harry's hipbone. It's sharp, and cold, and Zayn can feel the scars. He tries not to frown too much, and pulls Harry's jumper back down so he doesn't get cold.

Zayn feels himself begin to drift, and he absentmindedly strokes Harry's soft sweater with his fingers. Harry lets out a light snore, causing Zayn to chuckle, and kiss his ear gently.


"Zaynie, wake up. Your mum's made breakfast." Zayn rubs his eyes open to see Harry laying flatly on top of him, grinning widely.

Zayn smiles fondly, and nods his head. "You're awfully cheery this morning. What's up, baby?"

Harry shrugs, and smiles a little bit. "I dunno. I'm just in a good mood. I love you."

"I love you too, angel. Lets get you some food, and then we can get ready to leave, alright?"

Harry tries his hardest not to frown, and nods. "Okay. You need to get dressed, Zaynie."

After Zayn has thrown on some jeans and Waliyha's sweater, he carries their bags down the stairs. Trisha has made pancakes, and Safaa is happily scarfing them down two at a time. Zayn and Harry chuckle as Saf holds her plate up and licks it clean, and gets maple syrup on her nose. "Hi, guys! The pancakes are delicious."

Zayn ruffles her mess of bedhead, and sits Harry down next to her. Zayn forks a pancake onto Harry's plate, and sprinkles on some berries. He's about to pour on some syrup, when Harry holds out his hand and shakes his head. Zayn nods, and knows that just eating the pancake he's making a big step in the direction of recovery.

Harry cuts his pancake into minuscule pieces, and eats them slowly, making sure to chew each bite at least 12 times. Zayn starts eating his own pancakes, and rubs Harry's shoulder gently as he chews. He leans over close to him, kisses his earlobe softly, and whispers, "You're doing so well, my love. I'm so proud of you. You can do this."

Harry smiles half-heartedly, and nods. "Thanks," he murmurs. "I love you."

After they've finished eating, Harry and Zayn clear the table and wash up the dishes. Safaa comes in behind Harry, and wraps her arms around his slender waist. "You're leaving today, right?"

Harry turns around, and squeezes her tightly. "Yes, we are, love."

"I'll miss you. Visit soon?"

"Yes, of course. I'll miss you too, Saf."

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