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Harry stares in the mirror, and bites his lip. He looks... tired. He's meeting Zayn in an hour, and he knows he can't go out looking like this.

Harry rummages through his makeup bin (for special occasions), and finds some highlighter and mascara.

After carefully applying both, making sure it still looks natural, and finishing it off with some lip balm, Harry smiles at his reflection. He looks... etherial. Beautiful even.

He bites his lip to contain a smile, and can't help but feel joy bubble up inside him. After seeing Zayn, Harry feels the need to feel beautiful. In a way, he feels more beautiful around Zayn.

He quickly pulls on a clean jumper and the tightest pair of jeans he can find, and grabs a drink of water before grabbing his coat, wallet, and phone. He feels a little nervous, for some reason. Like, he feels like something big is going to happen.

But Harry brushes it off like it's nothing, and walks the thirty-four steps to his car. As he drives, he hums a song he hardly knows, and feels his heart thrum in excitement.

He parks his car, and heads into the bookstore to find Zayn. After two minutes, Zayn walks through the doors and nearly bumps into Harry. "Hi, love! How was your day so far?"

Zayn pats Harry on the small of his back, causing him to shiver slightly, and smile. "Much better, since you got here." Harry knows it's bold, but he's hoping Zayn will reciprocate with something equally bold.

Zayn smiles, and bats his long lashes at Harry. "I'm good. Especially now that you're here."

Harry tries to contain it, but a squeal pops out, and he throws his arm around Zayn's waist. He hums slightly as Zayn wraps his arms around his hips, and just as Zayn begins to get comfortable holding Harry close, Harry pulls away with a wide smile. "Okay, come on, I've got to show you the thing now!"

Zayn giggles slightly at how adorably excited Harry has gotten himself, and feels his eyes widen as Harry tugs him by the hand down an aisle of books. After a minute or so, Harry stops, and points to the ceiling. A beautiful painting of a night sky and a constellation of stars in the shape of a heart adorns the ceiling, and Harry smiles. This is his favourite part of the bookstore. And beneath the fresco are some of Harry's favourite books.

Harry glances over at Zayn, who is entranced by the ceiling, and smiles fondly at him. The way his lips part slightly when he's amazed, and the slight crinkles beside his eyes. Harry loves those things about Zayn. Come to think of it, Harry thinks that maybe it's Zayn that he loves. That's it. He loves Zayn. He's just so lovely and nice and open-minded and caring and sweet.

Harry slips his hand into Zayn's, and looks back up at the ceiling as he feels Zayn's eyes on him. Just as he prepares himself for rejection - in other words, Zayn pushing him away and thinking he's weird and clingy - he feels Zayn's fingers lock around his, and he beams.

This is where it all begins, Harry thinks. This is where my life starts.

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