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"Zayn, are you home? Imogen took the girls out to dinner." Harry pushes the front door closed with his bum, and gets a better grip on his shopping bags.

He hears a faint call from upstairs, and smiles. Hopefully Zaynie has had a good day, and listening to Waliyha's tapes didn't make him too sad. Harry kicks off his boots and makes his way up the stairs. He knocks twice on Zayn's door, and smiles when he hears Van Morrison playing from inside. "Come
in, baby."

Harry pushes open the door and sees Zayn splayed across the messy bed, in the special jumper and some sweatpants, and a messy pile of cassettes at his feet. "H-how was it, love? The tapes. Were they-"

Zayn nods, and he looks peaceful. "I'll never be able to understand why she did what she did, but she helped remind me that we are loved, and we are important, and individualistic, and beautiful and powerful. She was rooting for me. I'm glad this is what she left me."

"What were some of the things she said? If you don't mind me asking." Harry sits at the edge of the bed, and rubs Zayn's foot softly.

"She read me a story. Our favourite story when she was little. I'd read it to her, and she'd fall asleep with the light on, and I'd turn it off and kiss her goodnight. Sometimes, when she had bad dreams, she would come into my room late at night and I would would read our book to her, and carry her back to her bed when she fell asleep. She-she was my best friend, Harry. And I'll never forget her." Zayn smiles, and wipes a single tear from his eye. "Okay! Show me what you bought today, baby."

Harry pauses before responding, just taking a second to read Zayn. Harry knows Zayn has had the whole day to think about Waliyha, and listen to her voice, and remember her. So Harry thinks maybe this is Zayn's way of asking for a distraction, a break.

Harry smiles shyly. "You mean... you want me to model everything for you?"

Zayn beams at his beautiful boyfriend. "Sure. Show me what you've got, sweetie."

Harry ducks into the bathroom, and kicks off his jeans. He pokes through his bag until he finds the romper, and shimmies into it. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, and smiles. This is a good day.

He tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, and steps out into Zayn's view. Zayn looks positively floored. "Wow, baby. You look gorgeous. Where did you find this playsuit?"

"I can't remember, but Doniya picked the store out. So, you like it?"

"Love it, sweetheart. What else did you get?" Zayn smiles encouragingly. He's overcome with pride for his baby. Harry has come so far, and he's grown so strong. There were times when Zayn was sure he'd wake up to find Harry, in the bathroom, gone. He thought he would lose Harry somehow, and at times, it felt as though he were indeed lost. But not anymore. Harry has really grown into himself, and he's just so beautiful.

By the time Zayn has refocused, he looks up at where Harry was just standing, and he's not there. "Harry, love, what are you going to show me next?"

Harry hums in response, and slips his new panties on. They're white lace, and they make him feel like an angel. He smiles, and pulls on the pink sweater he got, same as Safaa. He pokes his head out so he can see Zayn. He's playing with a loose thread of his sweater, and looks peacefully aloof. Harry clears his throat, and Zayn looks up. "Wow, again. You look like a cherub. So beautiful, baby."

Zayn pats the spot next to him, and smiles. "Come sit with daddy, Angel."

Harry blushes, and goes to sit with Zayn, but instead of sitting beside him, he sits so he's straddling Zayn. He raises his eyebrows, and shifts his hips just enough to affect Zayn, but not enough to look purposeful. "Hi, Daddy."

"Baby, these panties look gorgeous on you. And this sweater is so cute. I like this position, by the way." Zayn winks, and grips Harry's hips with his hands.

Harry giggles, and moves his hips from front to back, and blushes when he feels Zayn growing underneath him. "Damn, baby. You're good. I love you. You're like a little vixen. You're making me hard, sweetie."

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