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Harry rolls over, and in the sunlight streaming through the windows, he admires Zayn's serene face. Harry presses a gentle kiss to his forehead, and nudges him awake. "Zaynie, wake up. My love, it's nearly eleven."

Zayn smiles, and rubs his eyes open. "G'morning, my love. How did you sleep?"

"I slept well, Zaynie. Now, let's get dressed! We can go to your flat and pack up your things now!" Harry grins, and shakes Zayn's shoulder excitedly.

Zayn chuckles, and sits up, with Harry's help. They get dressed in opposite corners of the room, and Zayn peaks only once. Harry really is beautiful. Zayn slips another one of Harry's tee shirts over his head, and glances in the mirror to inspect his day-three hair. It's not terrible, but it's also not anything great. He brushes it away from his face with a shrug, and as he turns around, his jaw drops.

Harry has just finished slipping on a pair of lilac coloured lace underwear, and Zayn bites his lip to contain a moan. Harry looks so, so beautiful. And downright fuckable too.

Zayn admires the way Harry's muscles ripple as he tenses, and pulls a tee shirt up over his head, and his signature skin-tight jeans up his slender legs. Zayn wants to just push him up against the wall and make out with him forever. But that might seem too intense, so Zayn will just go with a quick peck. He jogs across the room, wraps his arms around Harry's waist, and kisses him gently on the neck. "I can't believe we're going to be living together. This is so exciting, my love. Oh, and on our way back from my flat, let's talk to my landlord, and then we can stop by my office and alert Terry about my change of heart. So many things to do! This is so exciting!!"

Harry coos, and pushes a loose strand of hair away from Zayn's eyes. "Aw. You're cute when you get excited. Now, let's go before we lose anymore time."

Once Zayn and Harry are properly bundled up, they walk Hanson hand down the stairs, and for once, Harry doesn't count them. The taxi ride to Zayn's flat is quiet, except for Harry's soft humming. Zayn wraps his arm around Harry's shoulder, and pulls him close. "Harry, I know we haven't known each other for very long, considering how close we are, but I do know that you're the single-handed best thing in my life. You're kind, courageous, caring, strong, beautiful, and completely compassionate. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. And I'm so happy we're taking the next step in our relationship."

Harry pecks Zayn's cheek, and relaxes into his grasp. "I love you so much, and I don't think I've ever been happier. I love you."

Zayn grins, and ruffles Harry's hair. "We're here. Let's go. We've got a long day ahead of us."

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