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"Zayn, what do I do? I don't know what to do. I'm falling apart." Harry huddles under the fluffy towel, and picks at his hangnail.

Zayn strokes his cheek gently, and kisses his forehead. "I know. You're scared, baby. But we're gonna get through this. Okay, lovey? You and I will find a way to make this all better."

Harry's brows furrow, and his lips part slightly. "But how? I want to help myself, I want to get better, but I don't know how. I need your help."

"I know, angel. And I'm here. You're not alone. Why don't we start by taking you back home today? Okay?"

"But, we're here to see your family! I can't just tear you away like that."

"Baby, it's okay. We'll visit real soon. Okay? It'll be alright." Zayn smiles warmly, and rubs the towel into Harry's shoulder.

Harry tries to smile, and nods. "Okay. I'm sorry, Zayn."

Zayn pecks his cheek, and helps him stand up. "It's all okay, angel. Lets get you dressed. Okay?"

Harry nods again, and lets Zayn help him into the bedroom. Zayn sits him on the bed, and rustles his damp hair. "We're going to be okay, Harry. I want you to remember that. Now, what would you like to wear?"

Harry shivers, and bites his lip. "Uh, doesn't matter. Something warm. You can pick."

Zayn nods, and tries not to look too upset at how tiny and sharp Harry has gotten. He can't be more than 52 kgs. That's too low. He rifles through Harry's suitcase, until he finds a long sleeved shirt, some jeans, a clean pair of underwear, some thick socks, and Harry's new sweater. "Will this do, baby? I was trying to keep your warmth in mind."

Harry nods, and surprisingly enough, stands up without faltering too much. He seems to remain rather aloof as Zayn dresses him, obediently lifting his arms and legs when asked. Once he's done, he rubs his eyes, and smiles a little. "I feel... hopeful, Zaynie. I think we're going to get through this."

Zayn finishes up with the socks, and stands up straight. He takes Harry's cheeks into his hands, and kisses his nose gently. "You're right, baby. Now, do you want to pack up a bit or do you want to rest? By the way, you should take your meds, lovey."

"Oh, yeah. Will you get them for me, Zaynie? I'm so tired."

"Of course, baby. Just a minute. Why don't you sit down while I get your pills?"

Harry nods, and slumps down on the bed. He rubs his eyes sleepily, and waits patiently while Zayn gets his meds. After a minute, Zayn holds out his pills, a multivitamin, and a glass of water from the bathroom. "Thanks, Zaynie."

He swallows his pills and drinks the last few sips of the water, and pats the bed beside him. "Come lay with me, Zayn. Please? I'm cold, and I could use your cuddles."

Zayn smiles fondly, but his eyes look sad. "Of course, baby. I'll hold you until you fall asleep, and then I'll do some packing, okay, love?"

Harry nods sleepily, and lets out a little yawn. Zayn crawls onto the bed and lets Harry curl up against him, pulling up the blankets to Harry's chin and tucking him in so he stays relatively warm. He strokes Harry's forearm gently, and hums softly. "It's alright, lovey. You can sleep now."

"Zaynie, will you sing to me?"

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