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ok so this one is just lots of meaningful fluff

ily all so muchhhhh xx

ok proceed


Harry frowns. "Zayn, you just told me last night that you didn't need that! Please, put it away. Try not drinking today, okay? Please? For me?"

Zayn scowls, but screws the lid back on the bottle. "Yeah, alright."

Harry sighs at how utterly debilitated Zayn seems. "My love, do you want to talk about it? It might help to get some of your feelings off your chest. Yeah?"

Harry doesn't even have to be looking to know that Zayn is crying. Zayn chokes out a sob, and bites down on his lip to keep it from happening again. "I just- I-I miss her. Harry, I miss my baby sister. It's really hitting me that she's gone. I'm never going to hear her voice ever again. Oh my god. S-she was so sweet and innocent and lovely and I- I can't believe I'm never going to be able to hug her, and cuddle up with her and watch Friends and drink hot chocolate. I'm never going to be able to have another conversation with her. She's gone. Forever. I-I can't. I-"

By now, Zayn is a weeping mess, and Harry has pulled over to the side of the road to comfort him. Zayn wails loudly into Harry's shoulder, and grips his shirt tightly in his fist. Harry strokes Zayn's head softly, and whispers, "Shh, baby. I know. This really hurts. I'm here, okay? Every second. I'm here for you. Now, are you going to be alright? I'm so worried about you."

Zayn pulls away, and furrows his brows. "My sister killed herself, Harry! I think I have every right to be upset. Do I not?"

Harry sighs. "No, of course you do, Zaynie. You're well within your rights. I mean, I just- I'm trying to say that I'm worried about what you might... do. You know?"

Zayn raises an eyebrow, but looks intently down at his lap. "You mean, you think I'm going to turn out... like you?"

Ouch. That hurt. Harry frowns, and keeps his eyes on the road ahead of him. "I'm worried you might get so lost in your grief that you'll forget that you have people who care for you and love you. I'm worried that you'll lose sight of what's important to you, and that you- That you won't love me anymore. I'm worried that you're going to let the sadness get the best of you. I-I'm worried about a lot of things, Zayn."

Zayn lets out a shaky breath, and bites his lip. "I understand your concerns, I really do. But just because I'm heartbroken now doesn't mean I will be forever. Okay? We can't both be hopeless right now. Also, what makes you think I'll ever stop loving you, you bug? I honestly believe that I'll love you forever. Okay? So, don't worry about that too much. I'll be fine, eventually."

Harry smiles a little, and reaches over to pat Zayn's leg gently. "Alright. And don't worry too much me being hopeless. Ever since I met you, you've made me just the opposite - hopeful again."

Zayn smiles slightly, and stops picking at his hangnail. "You're so sweet. I'm sorry for continuously being an dickhead today. I love you, baby. Thank you for being so lovely."

Harry grins, and pushes Zayn's snappy outbursts to the back of his mind. "It's alright, Zaynie. I'm always here for my lil' Zayn. Love you."

Zayn smiles to himself, and hums along to the catchy song on Harry's CD. "I like that you made a CD. It's rather old school. Not as retro as a legitimate mixtape, but still cool. Can you send me a list of the songs on it? I've liked them all so far."

"Yeah, of course." Harry beams, and leans over to kiss Zayn's cheek - all while maintaining control of the vehicle.

Zayn laughs lightly, and pushes Harry's arm playfully. "You oaf. I love you so much. You make me bright."

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