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ZiamStylikx you are my lifeblood XO love you 😘

sorry this one took a little while to update :/

but you've got my full focus now :-)


"Well, that's the last of the boxes. Harry, can you believe this?! We're really doing this!" Zayn squeals excitedly, and drops the last box carelessly onto Harry's floor.

Harry laughs, and runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, we're really doing this."

They both laugh, and slump down on Harry's couch. "You want a drink?" Harry asks, gesturing towards the fridge across the room in the kitchen.

Zayn nods. "Sure. What kinds do you have?"

Harry shrugs, and pads across the room in his bunny socks to open the fridge. When he does, Zayn's eyes widen. Each shelf of the fridge is organised by what looks like colour, and then size. Harry holds the doors open, and turns back to Zayn. "We've got Jack, Boddingtons, Pimms, PBR, a couple kinds of vodka, gin, all sorts of aromatic bitters, a few kinds of tequila, some bottles of wine, and pretty much everything."

Zayn lets out a whistle, and walks up behind Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's slim waist. "You keep a well-stocked liquor cabinet, sweetie. Have you got any scotch?"

Harry nods, and with a quick peck on Zayn's lips, he's opening the cupboard beside the fridge and pouring him a glass of Lagavulin. "This okay? It's the only kind I've got that I think tastes good."

Zayn nods, and takes a slow sip of the scotch. "Yes, my love, this will be wonderful, I'm sure."

Harry smiles, and Zayn continues, "What kind of drink do you like, darling?"

"I'm a pink gin type, really. Or maybe a cidre type. I'm pretty versatile, I think."

Zayn nods, and Harry takes a long sip of a bottle of tequila. "Easy, tiger. We've got all night."

Harry smirks. "Oh, honey, I don't intend to spend the whole night drinking. I've got much better ideas."

Zayn grins, and pushes playfully on Harry's chest. "Harry, you dog! Are you trying to seduce me?"

Harry laughs, and turns around so his chin is leaning on Zayn's shoulder. He whispers huskily, "Maybe. I guess it depends. Would you be interested in being seduced?"

Zayn wraps his arms around Harry's neck, and pecks his cheek. "I really would, yeah. I mean, if we're being honest, then yes. I'd like nothing more."

Harry sets their drinks down carelessly on the counter, and they stumble, lip locked through the apartment until they miraculously find Harry's bedroom. Well, Harry and Zayn's room now.

They collapse onto the bed, and roll around laughing for a minute or two, before Zayn plants his hand flatly on Harry's bum. "Why don't we take these off, yeah? I wan-"

"My scars, though-"

"Shh, baby. You're beautiful and perfect and wonderful and I can't believe I've done anything to deserve you. I'm honoured that you're letting me be with you, because that's actually what this is - an honour. I love you." Zayn kisses Harry's forehead sweetly, and pats his back gently.

Harry smiles sheepishly, and ducks his head to avoid Zayn's gaze. "You don't mean that. Do you?"

Zayn lifts Harry's chin with his forefinger, and smiles kindly. "My love, I mean it more than anything in the world."

"Aw! So sweet!" Harry squeals, and kisses Zayn's soft lips. "Alright, alright. But if I take off my pants, you have to do yours, too. Okay?"

Zayn nods, secretly just wanting to fuck Harry into oblivion. Zayn smiles, and slips his jeans off. "Your turn, lovely."

Harry blushes, and hooks his fingers in his belt loops, before pausing mid-movement. "I have a surprise for you. Don't freak out, okay? I mean, you're you, you wouldn't freak out, especially because you've already seen them I'm pretty sure but-"

Zayn laughs a little, and kisses Harry's lips to quiet him. "Harry, you know me, I won't freak out. And I'm sure I'll love it, so let's not keep this surprise hidden away any longer, yeah? Show me, babe."

Harry nods, and gets off the bed to stand in front of Zayn. He bites his lip, and for a moment, Zayn thinks he might explode because of how sexy Harry is. Harry twists his hips back and forth gently as he slips off his trousers, and Zayn gasps when he sees the surprise. Harry is wearing the same lovely pale purple panties that he was wearing this morning, but he's also got on a lace garter belt and over-the-knee socks.

Zayn's innermost instinct is to grab Harry and push him against the wall and make out and possibly do some unspeakable things to him. But, Zayn won't let that get in the way. Right now, this is all about Harry. "My love, you're breathtaking. I can't get over how wonderfully ravishing you look. You could stop traffic with those knickers. Well done, sexy."

Harry blushes, and giggles a little. "Thank you, Zaynie. Now, off with your shirt. It's your turn."

Zayn stands up, deliberately close to Harry, and maintains eye contact for as long as possible while he takes off his shirt. As soon as he's thrown it across the room, Zayn presses his whole body against Harry's, and whispers, "I want to fuck you. You're so fucking hot, baby."

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