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Harry queues a long playlist of dance songs, and pecks Zayn's cheek as they roll up their sleeves. "You ready? We're in for a long night of cleaning."

Zayn nods, and they begin rummaging through Harry's bedroom. "Do you want this?" Zayn holds up a pair of lace underwear, and blushes.

Harry nods nonchalantly, and Zayn can't help but think that the colour would look lovely on Harry. "As I've said, I like femininity."

Zayn smiles to himself, and begins tossing some dirty clothes from the floor into the laundry basket. "Harry, while we're at it, why don't you show me where your blades are? I think since we've started this new life together, it might be time to turn over a new leaf. What do you say?"

Harry grins, and nods. "Good idea." Harry leads Zayn into the bathroom, where he fishes out two blades from clever little while hiding places, and hands them to Zayn. "Here. These are my only ones."

Zayn doesn't know if he really believes Harry, but he understands that this is a big step, and that Harry has made huge bounds in his recovery. "I'm so proud of you, love." He drops the blades into the toilet, and flushes them with a small smile.

Harry chuckles, and kisses Zayn's nose softly. "Yay! I'm starting a new life. I'm going to get better."

Zayn grins, and nods, going back to folding laundry, and clearing space in the closet.

After what seems like hours of cleaning and shuffling things around, there is a huge pile of things to give or throw away in the middle of the apartment. Harry and Zayn look around the skeleton of a flat, and smile proudly. They high-five, and slump down on the couch with a sigh. "I'm so excited for tomorrow. Are you going to talk to your landlord about moving out? Because I can be there with you, if you'd like."

Zayn nods, and pulls Harry so he's curled up in to his lap. "I'd like that. Thanks, lovely."

"Can I try something?" Harry's eyes are cast down while he speaks, but at the end, he shifts so he's looking up at Zayn.

Zayn blushes, and nods, hoping it is a kiss. "Try what-"

Harry presses his lips softly to Zayn's neck, and begins suckling softly on the smooth skin. Zayn tosses his head back, and digs his fingernails into Harry's back, gasping a little. "Harry, I-"

Harry takes advantage of Zayn's open mouth to press a wet kiss to his lips, while leaning back into Zayn's grasp. "That feels good, do that again!"

Zayn tilts his head to the side, unsure of what Harry means. "I like it when you scratch my back."

Zayn quirks an eyebrow up, and smiles a little. "Really? Then, if you're comfortable enough, let's take this shirt off. We can admire our new tattoos."

Harry shyly slips his shirt over his head, and covers up his scarred forearms embarrassedly. "Sorry about these. I know they're not nice to look at-"

Zayn presses his lips to Harry's to cut him off, and slips his tongue in for the first time in their relationship. Harry thinks that maybe the phrase "dancing tongues" might make sense right now. It feels so good to be so close to Zayn, and he never wants to stop. Unfortunately, they have to pull away to catch their breath, and Zayn smiles. He gingerly runs his finger across the scars on Harry's arms, and pecks Harry's lips again. "Harry, my love. As you know, I think you're beautiful. Every single part of you. And your scars are a part of you, aren't you they? I love every little bit of you, including your scars. So don't think you have to apologise for the way you look ever again, okay? Please?"

Harry nods, and bites his lip to contain a smile. He really, really loves Zayn. With a sudden jerk, Harry has flipped them so they're lying on their sides on the little couch. "Your turn."

Zayn presses a hard kiss to Harry's collarbone, and runs his tongue up the vein on Harry's neck with a slow deliberation. As he gets to Harry's ear, he whispers huskily, "My turn to do what?"

Harry giggles, and shivers a little. "To take off your shirt! You've seen mine, now let's see yours." Harry winks, and Zayn laughs loudly at that, before nodding.

"Alright, cutie." Zayn doesn't think he's thrown his shirt off and across the room faster. Harry's eyes drink in Zayn's toned and tattooed stomach, and he lets out a small moan. "You still want me to scratch your back, love?"

Harry nods, and can't keep the goofy grin off his face. "Yes, please."

Zayn starts off gently, rubbing Harry's back a little, before beginning to use his nails more. Harry let's out a raspy moan, and presses his back against Zayn's hands. "Yeah, like that."

Zayn feels his breath pick up speed as Harry's eyes roll back into his head. Zayn wonders if Harry knows how sexy he is. "You're so hot, Harry."

Harry presses his lips to Zayn's neck again, and bites down a little, causing Zayn to gasp. Harry runs his tongue over the red spot, before batting his eyelashes innocently at Zayn. "Did I find your sweet spot?"

Zayn blushes, and presses his lips to Harry's in response. Harry laughs into Zayn's mouth, and they both end up giggling. "You're so cute."

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