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Trisha pales, and her mouth forms a hard line. "Watch your mouth, Zayn. You have no right to speak to me like that."

"And you have no right to make personal decisions for me or judge me for the way I've made those decisions! Just... just drop it, okay? I don't want to talk about this. Now, I'm going to go spend time with my family and my lovely boyfriend. See you later." Zayn grabs the wine glasses, and is gone before Trisha can respond.

She frowns, and looks down at her ill-fitting stilettos. They're giving her blisters, but they were Wali's favourite. Maybe she was wrong to say those things about Zayn. Maybe she should go apologise. No, it'd be best to give him a little space.

"Harry, love, here's your wine." Zayn smiles fondly at Harry, and then down at Safaa. "Hey, Saf. You two seem to be hitting it off well."

Zayn gestures towards Harry's hands in her hair, and chuckles a little. "What? He's braiding it. He's really good. Harry, will you do my hair tomorrow as well?"

Harry beams, and ties off the two Dutch braids. "Of course, darling. Thanks for the wine, Zaynie. You made a good choice."

Zayn runs his hand through Harry's soft hair, and then down his cheek. "Saf, can you give us a minute?"

Safaa winks at Zayn, and pecks Harry's cheek before going off to visit with her aunts. Zayn sets his wine down on the coffee table, and wraps his arms around Harry's waist. He rests his chin on Harry's shoulder, and let's out a little breath. Harry twists his neck around to kiss Zayn's chin, and sighs. "How are you feeling, my love? I saw you talking with your mum, and neither of you looked particularly happy. Not that you would be, but- You know what, never mind. Just give me a lil update. Yeah?"

Zayn rocks Harry back and forth ever so slightly, and smiles when Harry closes his eyes. "I'm alright, surprisingly. My mum figured out that we met in a professional setting, and was upset. We had a little spat, but we'll be alright. How are you, beautiful? I've noticed you're a little anxious. Anything I can do?"

Harry's eyes flip open. Zayn noticed that he was having a rough time? Harry smiles a little, and gives Zayn's hands a quick squeeze. "I'm alright. I think I've just been anxious because I hate seeing you sad. Thank you for noticing. Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking in love with you."

Zayn giggles, and traces Harry's hipbone lightly. "I hope you know, the feeling is entirely mutual. I'm so happy with you, even when I'm feeling this devastating loss. You keep me sane. Now, let's get something to eat. We've got to get some meat on your bones, yeah? You're so little. I'm worried, baby boy."

Harry blushes, and shrugs s little. "Yeah, alright. Let's get a snacky."

Zayn squeaks in a way that makes Harry want to cry because he's so cute. "Harry, my love, you're the most adorable person I've ever met. I love you. Now, let's get some food in you."

Harry pokes around the kitchen, and tilts his head to the side. Nothing is looking appetising to him. Is he sick? No, he feels fine. "What do you want, baby?"

"Well, I- Er, I dunno. I don't really want-"

Zayn leans close, brushes Harry's hair away from his neck, and kisses him flatly below the jawline. "You want daddy to make you something special?" he whispers huskily.

Harry squeals - louder than he intends to - and blushes. "Yes please. Make your baby boy something special. I'm hungry."

Zayn laughs at how truly darling Harry is, and kisses his neck again. "What do you want? I make really good nachos, if you're interested."

"Ooh, yeah! I love nachos."

"Just don't tell anyone, because I don't want to have to make some for everyone. Besides, you're my special baby pea, and you deserve some equally special nachos. Yeah?"

Harry smiles, and watches intently as Zayn gets cheese from the fridge, and chips from the cupboard. He takes a small sip of his wine, and admires how damn fine Zayn's bum looks in his pants. Fuck, I'm in love.

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