# 2

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~I'm not going to do Ahmau POV because it's mostly going to be Aphmau anyways so let's get to the story~

I woke up and I see Laurence sitting next to my bed asleep again I look and see katlyn "You disappeared again, when I told Laurence he just stayed by your bedside" she said and went to the village. I got up and shook him to wake up. he opened his eyes "Hey you're back" he said and smiled

"ya I am" I said

"what did you guys talk about?" 

"well what happened he didn't believe me when I said what I did to Mitchi" I laughed a bit

"I don't blame him I wouldn't believe it eather" he chuckled. I heard running I quickly stood up and so did Laurence. "Aphmau Laurence come quick at the gates" Dante said in a hurry and we ran to the gates as fast as we could Shadow souls and some shadow nights were there and they were breaking the gate I put on my armor and pulled my sword out so did everyone else "Kawaii~Chan, Dona, Zoey you and the kids go hide now" Levin demanded and they ran when they broke though and shadow souls were mostly fighting me but it was no use the shadow nights made them grew stronger and they grabbed me "LAURENCE, SOMEONE HELP ME" I yelled

Laurence POV~

"LAURENCE, SOMEONE HELP ME" she yelled and they took her "AHHH HELP ME" I looked and see Levin being taken as well and left.

"why did they just come and take them?" Yip asked

"there special Leavin's a Lord and Aphmau has Irene's powers we need to save them before they revive the shadow lord" I said and started to run but I see Angel wings and white particles coming off her "You stay away from him" I heard her say and she destroyed the shadow souls and one of the shadow knights that was there. the others ran off somewhere. she turned to look at Levin and he was hurt she bent down and held him. "Aphmau?" everyone said confused and she looked up she was breathtaking. then she turned back to normal and fell to the ground. I ran to her and Dante helped Levin up. "Is mom ok?" Levin asked confused

"she's fine just worn out from using her powers" I said and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to Levin and Malachi's house I moved a piece of hair from her face I just hope she's ok.

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now