# 17

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~They arrived at the Island and the Demon Warlock ecince just appeared~

Aphmau POV~

"what are you seeing I don't see anything" Aaron said I looked back at the Demon Warlock the Demon chuckled

"You horns are showing, and I see you have grown Alice" he said and we looked at her

"what is he talking about" Travis asked angered but that was from his 'father'

"we my family was trading but the course changed and lead us to the island he was on, he took my dad's life your mother saved me and my mother from any other harm" she said angered and she wanted to attack him but she knew that he's not really here, he disappeared and Travis took his human but Alice and Laurence stayed in there shadow night form. "He also took my magiks" Alice said and we looked at her

"What? he did that to a small child?!" Lucinda said surprised 

"yes, I don't remember what I had but he was going to kill me but he took my Magicks first then Travis's mother saved me and my mother" she said looking down and she changed back to human and sighed "as much as I want to hurt him I can't do anything, I want to be alone for now" she said and walked away before we could say anything else.

"Come Larence I can help you calm down" Vlayd said and Laurence just followed him to the shores.

"well what happened?" Kaytlen asked "why did you say the Demon Warlock?" she finished and Lucinda spoke

"you couldn't see him because he wasn't physically here for all of you to see him but he's not going to harm anyone yet, but since this is Island is now active his essence will Travel here and back to his original island that he's trapped on but that's it" Lucinda said plainly and Aaron, Chad, and Kaitlyn nodded.

"someone should make sure Alice is ok we don't know what on this Island" I said 

"I'll go after her but i'll keep my distance from her" Aaron said and I nodded and walked in her direction

"I'll check on Lilith" Lucinda said and headed to the boat. and it was me Chad and Kaitlyn left to set up camp.

Alice POV~

I walked strait and to see ruins as I walked up the mountin and I hear a stick snap I pulled my sword out and looked behind me and I see Aaron "Why are you following me?" I asked him he breathed calmly and walked to me be cause he was far but not to far to hear me

"I followed you because we don't know this island and we don't know what's on it" he said and I put my sword away. "and you said you wanted to be alone so I keep my distance and now I felt the ground shake below me and him

"Wh-" we both said and we're falling, as we're falling he pulled me close so I wouldn't be hurt as much and hit the ground "Aaron you ok?" I asked and he breathed out in a bit of pain

"not completely but I'll manage what about you" he said still holding me 

"I'm fine" he lets go of me and I sat on my legs and he sits up but he closes his eyes tightly. "what hurt's" I asked and he looks at me

"I said I'll manage" he said I could tell he doesn't want to let his guard down so I look throw my pouch that I had with me I pulled out a potion and gave it to him. "I don't-" i cut him off

"we don't know what's down here and we need to get out of here" I said and he sighed and took the potion and drank it. "you feel better now?" I asked he nodded I got up and so did I. I pulled out two torches and gave him one.

Aphmau POV~

"they have been gone for a while" I said worried "I'll go look for them" I said and got up and Laurence grabbed my hand

"I'm going with you" he said and I nodded he let go of my hand and we walked to where they went. after a while I saw something a glow from the mountin I told Laurence and we walked cautiously but it wasn't a camp fire I looked down and I could only see the top of there heads. "Hello?" I said and they looked up it was Alice and Aaron.

"Aphmau, Laurence" they said happy

"what happened to you guys" Laurence asked 

"well when I saw Aaron he explained why he followed me and the ground shook beneath us and we fell Aaron got hurt but I still had the healing potion from the last trip we explored one way of this but we ended back here do you have anything to help us out?" Alice asked

"we don't have anything right now but-" I felt the ground shake beneath mines and Laurence feet and the ground fell beneath us as we we're falling Laurence gadded me and we hit the ground. "Oh my Irene, Laurence are you alright" I asked he let goes of me and I sat on my knees he sits up but in pain. he shakes his head. "Hold out your hand" I said and he did I placed one hand on top and the other on the bottom of his hand and concentrated then the white glow came and disappeared and let go of his hand. "you ok now?" I asked

"much better thank you Aphmau" Laurence said and I smiled

"no wonder why Zinix needed you, but we need to find a way out of here and I don't have any more torches" Alice said

"I do he Aphmau take this" Laurance said and gave me one.

"ok so what way led you back here?" I asked and she pointed to the one on the right "so we need to go to the left" I said and we went to the left then there was 2 ways to go.

"we need to split up I'll go with Alice, Aphmau you go with Launce" Aaron said and we nodded I walked with Laurence to one of the caves. we walked for a while "hey Aphmau there's grass here" Laurence said and I walked over and I grass and more of it. me and him digged out the rubble and then I saw it was night.

"yes we found a way out, we need to tell ALice and Aaron" I said excitedly and I got up so did Laurence and we ran to the other cave and saw Alice with her sword out. "Alice is everything ok?" I asked and she turned around.

"yes just something scared me, but I have no Idea where Aaron g-" someone or something took her and Laurence I looked behind me and all I see was cat ear's and purple hair.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now