# 10

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Aphmau POV~

me and Aaron were talking about what happened. "I just can't be happier that you remember, I was so upset that I lost you I tried to find you, but I just had to accept your gone Lilly comforted me and we had jacob I did every thing so they won't get hurt like you did but Zane took them like he took you" he said and looked down

"It's ok I would have reacted the same" I said and played with my fingers.

"well I've got to go prep the boat" he said and left and soon Laurence came up 

"Hey Aphmau you ok?" he asked and sat next to me.

"I'm fine but I wanted to tell you that I'm grateful to have you with me, and I never want you to leave me, I Love you Laurence" I said and a smile grew on his face.

"Aphmau, would you like to be my girlfriend?" he said and held my hand

"Laurence I would love to" I said and I kissed him.

??? POV~

I need to get out of here. I thought to myself, I don't want to become one of them and one of them shows up. "ok Alice, to gain your immortality you have to kill you lord" I didn't know who it was.

"no I'll never become one of you" I screamed with tears in my eyes. and he put his hand under my chin to make me look at him.

"Your purple eyes are so mesmerizing I could get lost in those for ever" he said and leaned in I backed away "to fast for you my darling" he said with a smirk.

"you never told me you name and why you want me" I said and crossed my arms

"well if you want to know my name you have to answer my question, why do didn't you want to kill your lord?" he asked

"she's kind caring and actually takes care of her villige, she's my best friend I would not hurt her" I said.

"sounds like someone I know" he said

"If you're thinking that girl who changed lords for the past 15 years it's not her, it's someone else now what's your name" I asked and he chuckled a bit.

"My name is Zinix my sweet" he said

"Y-You want to revive the Shadow lord your self, you want to be powerful so you absorbed all the others" I said a bit scared and he chuckled

"so you heard of me, but I'm not going to hurt you my sweet you're my love and I won't do anything to you besides to make you love me" he said with a devilish grin and he left. I moved a piece of my  brown hair out of my face. then I see someone unlock the door of my cage, I see it's none other than Gene my brother "Why" I whispered

"go to Dante for us he needs to see you and tell him I'm sorry that I made everyone forget about him including you little sis" he said and I ran and looked around to make sure he doesn't see me. I got to the gates and got throw the portal. it took a while but my eyes adjusted to the sun light. I walked around and see that I was in the wolf villige I know where I am I'm close to bridgeport witch means I know where Phoenix Drop is.

I got to the gates of the villige. "who are you and why are you here?" I hear a girl asked me she has strawberry blond hair and hot pink eyes and fair skin. "I'm Alice I'm here to see my brother, I hail from New Mateli" I said 

"oh, I'm sorry I didn't know that you're from New Mateli my apologies" she said and opened the gates

"It's fine" I said and walked in the walls of Phoenix Drop and she closed the gates, and see a man with brown hair and green eyes and tanned skin. "Hello who might you be?" he asked

"I'm Alice Looking for my brother is he here?" I asked and I really hope he is

"what does he look like?" he asked he seemed nice enough

"he has blue hair and blue eye my color skin" I said 

"oh is your brother Dante?" he asked I nodded and he motioned me to follow him and I did I got to another wall but the gate was opened

"Are you guys rebuilding this other villige?" I asked he nodded

"were trying to but it's a slow process but it's getting there" he said lead me to the middle of the villige then to a house. he knocked on the door and a Mifwa opened up the door she had pink hair and pink eyes. "Malachi~Kun what brings you here and who is this?" she asked

"Kawaii~Chan this is Alice she's Dante's sister" he said

"Oh Kawaii~Chan's is happy to meet you but why haven't you visit yet?" she said I'm assuming she talks in 3rd person 

"It's a long story but I need to talk to Dante Please" she nodded and went to get him. he came down and his eyes widened.

"A-Alice I-is that really you?" he asked

"yes Dante it's really me, I missed you" I said and he hugged me

"I missed you too Little sis" we parted "What happened?" he asked

"well it's a long story, I need to tell your lord as well along with my lord" I said and he nodded

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now