# 30

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~3 days later~

Aphmau POV~

I'm in the same place again and it's cold 'Aphmau I'm sorry' I heard Alice say

'what are you sorry for?'

'your dad poisoned your mother to gain immortality' she said and sounded sad I want to cry. 'Aphmau stay on the island Zane is after you but he doesn't have immortality and I can't escape I've tried every option'

'we need to go after you'

'I know but you need people to protect you as well' she said 'I'm doing this protect you please don't go after me you need to be safe I can't escape but I will fight and I will be back I'm doing this for you and everyone eals that Zane want's to harm he doesn't know about the frozen heart, it's the ancient Wyvern relic that will help me but change my appearance but for only 2-3 days then I'm going to be a full human' she said and everything faded.

"Aphmau are you ok? you're crying what's wrong?" I look to see Aaron.

"where's Laurence?" I asked confused

"he heard something outside and think it might be more of those things that attacked Dimitri, now Aphmau what's wrong?" he said and I sighed

"I talked with Alice again, she- our dad gained immortality by killing our mother with poison, and not to go after her, I'm sorry Aaron but she only wants to protect everyone from Zane and not go after her or go through the portal" I said and looked down, my stomach had a little baby bump.

"ok Aphmau we have to tell everyone though do you still have the communication amulet to talk to Levin and Malachi?" he asked I nodded

"I'll tell them tomorrow" I said and the door opened and revealed Laurence. 

"hey is everything ok?" he asked

"ya, but we can't go through the portal Zane is after Aphmau and we can't risk him possibly following us or anyone else we know" Aaron said and he nodded "so what was out there?" he asked

"it was those things that attack Demitri, and thank you for taking care of Lilith" he said and Aaron nodded and left. "Aphmau what's wrong?" he asked

"to gain immortality my dad had to kill my mother and he did" I said and Laurence sat beside me and hugged me.

"i'm sorry he did that Aphmau"

"how did you hear what was going on outside?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"a good guard keeps one eye opened and also Lilith woke up crying" he said

"how did I not here her?" I asked

"you must have been talking to Alice then, well It's morning or close to it let's gt something to eat" he said and I smiled he kissed my forehead and we both got up. 'calm down Aph everything is going to be ok' Alice said...mentally. 'if you don't hear me for a while it's because I'm no longer part of a Wyvern I'll find you guy's or at lest Phoenix Drop or Meteli, I'll be fine Aph' she said and I started to gather my thoughts and relaxed.

"Everything alright love" he asked.

"ya everything is ok, just needed to compose myself but I'm ok" I said and smiled he did and kissed him. we parted and I got lost in his eyes.

"let's go get something to eat" he said and my hand moved from his cheek and held his hand. we got to the kitchen and made some food. and the door opened and I see Travis.

"hey how's everyone?" he said

"where good travis, what do you need?" I asked him.

"Aaron told me what's going on so I was just making sure everything is ok here, so Aphmau how's the" he pointing to my stomach "cause you're starting to show a bit" he said and I chuckled.

"well I'm pregnant so" I said and we laughed.

"I never thought that you and Laurence would hook up or actuly..."

"I'm right here" Laurence said and he placed his hands on my waist.

"well if everything is ok I'll see if Lucinda or Katelyn needs help" he said and smirked then left. me and Laurence just laughed.

Alice POV~

I summoned the Frozen Heart and absorbed the power I'm the only one that can absorb the power no Wyvern could do this only the ones who have the mark of them. when I absorb the power of the Heart it vanished but transformed me that know one would remember 1,000 years ago.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now