# 34

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~3 years later and 4 week's~

Aphmau POV~

"Mommy, Mommy, wake up" Lilith said and I woke up and I look to see Lilith's beautiful bright eye's she's turning 4 today. "ya i'm going to wake up daddy" she said happily. she runs to the side the Laurence is on. when she did he picks her up and tickles her. we all laugh "no, stop, please" she said and he did.

"I'll be down in a minute Lilith I just have to get you sister" I said and she smiled she and Laurence got out and so did I. I walk to Sophia's room. she has my eye's and Laurence's hair she is our first baby we had and we are proud of it and all the other baby's I adopted myself Lilith we both adopted together. I walked to the kitchen and Lilith is sitting down and Laurence is cooking. I put Sophia in her high chair and got the formula.

"Aphmau" I look to see Aaron and Zane. 

"did you guy's find her?" I asked

"no Dell is still missing, Issa is losing it" Aaron said and I fround.

"Alice is still missing as well, we should stop searching for her it's been two years Aphmau we can't keep going out there trying to find Alice anymore." Zane said and I nodded and I was holding back the tears. someone hugged me from behind I knew it was Laurence. Zane and Aaron left.

"I'm sorry Aphmau I know how much Alice means to you, like how ungerth was to me, as long as we stick together we can do anything" Laurence said and I smiled and Lilith hugs my leg. Laurence let's go and I pick her up.

"it's ok Mommy, thing will be better" she said and that made me smile.

"you are right, now let's go eat" I said and she smiled I sat her down in her chair and I did to. I love my family and what has happened for the past 3 years everything that happened I beleave is for a reason I may have not been here for the past 15 years but I wouldn't have it anyother way.

I'm ending the book here I know. Dell is missing, how did that happen? why has Alice not been there for the past 3 years? is Alice still Alive or is she dead? and more questions that are unanswered at the moment. but I'm ending it here, but there's is a way to answer the unanswered question.

I'm making the 2nd book to this I don't know when but I will so keep your eye's open for that.



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