# 35

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(.....) POV

I woke in my tent, for three years I lived in the woods by myself. I heard crying in the distance. I looked around I grabbed my sword just incase. I headed over and I got closer it was a child. I look to see it was a little girl with light blond hair and brown eyes, she looked to me and turned away, "Please don't hurt me" she said and I bent down and put my sword down as well.

"I'm not going to hurt you" I said and she looked to me and hugged me but she was still crying "it's ok, but why are you out here?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I was taken from my mommy and daddy, then I saw a girl with Purple hair and cat ears and a tail she took me to then men but I escaped they didn't see me leave I don't think and I was just here, I-I want to go home but I'm scared" she said and started crying again.

"I'll take you home to you mom and dad, what's your name?" I asked her and she wiped a few tears away

"I'm Dell" she said and I smiled

"that's a very pretty name Dell I'll pack up my things, I know where a village is it's not that far from here, I was actually going there but they might know where you parents are" I said and she smiled and hugged me I hugged her back and I got up and walked with her and packed up my things and walked toward the village. she grabbed my hand I think it's because she was scared but I didn't mind.

"what's your name?" she asked kindly.

"I'm Alice" I said and she smiled

"I like that name" she said.

Aphmau POV~

"Aphmau, I miss my baby" Issa said I'm at her house she said she want to talk to me, Zoey is taking care of Lilith and Sophia while Laurence is helping around the Village we set up.

"I know Issa Zane, Aaron, and Kaitlyn are looking for her" I said

"I just want my little girl to be here in my arms" she said and I hugged her and she started to cry, I know what this feels like, when Levin and Malachi was just missing out of the blue.

"Aphmau, can I be with her?" Brendan asked and I nodded, and I walked out of the house. and I heard little footsteps running to me.

"MOMMY, MOMMY COME PLAY WITH US" I looked to see Lilith and Sofia running, Lilith just turned 4 and Sofia is 2 she turning 3 in 4 months. I walked to them and I picked up Sophia. "Come on mommy let's play" Lilith said and I smiled I walked with them and went to play with my kids.

Aaron POV~

I don't want to believe that Alice is gone, I never thought that I would find Love again after I lost my wife and child but I did and she's gone as well, but she can't be dead she isn't dead just.... lost, yeah that's it lost. but how am I going to find her? is she even in the Ru'aun regain? I don't even know I just hope I can see her and tell her.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now