# 42

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4 day later

Alice POV~

we got to the Tula region now we got off the boat and got to the castle. "Intruders" I heard and that was it.

"ug my head" I said.

"you're finally awake" I looked around in was in a cell again, I see a guard. "Come on let's go see the king" he said and my hands where tied behind my back. he unlocked the cell door and i walked with him to the king.

"ah so you are the intruder who came on our turf. so why are you here" he asked.

"why should I tell you" I said and he looked at me.

"ah I see so bring one of the other prisoners up here" he said and one of the gaurds left. he came back with Aphmau. "So tell me why are you here or she dies" he said and I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"are you really going to kill an innocent soul just for an answer?" I asked.

"tell me now" he demanded.

"I came to get them back they don't need to be here" I said holding back tears, but they stabbed her in the shoulder but it was not enough to kill her.

"NO APHMAU?!" I screamed. she fell to the ground she passed out from the shock. "she has a family that you took her away from already it wasn't enough now you had to do this to her?" I said and they took her back.

"why should I show mercy to her or you, you took my daughter Kawaii~Chan away from me" he said

"she my sister-in-law you don't need to do this" I said and he had a look about him.

"so that means that you are my daughter" he said and I was confused "do you have a lover?" he asked me and I thought Aaron isn't my boyfriend technically so I don't have one then I shook my head. "ok then you'll marry the prince to join our 2 kingdoms" he said and I looked at him as I was being taken away. "tell my daughter the good news, and-" that was all I heard I was to far

Laurence POV~

I saw a shadow coming around the corner then I saw Aphmau and she was hurt and unconscious. "MOM" Levin and Malachi screamed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I yelled and was trying to keep calm.

"what I was ordered to do" he said and I couldn't take it anymore anger took over and I changed into a shadow knight. I sliced the bars and was going to kill the person that held Aphmau but soon I felt nothing and slowly drifted away, I felt this before when I first saved Aphmau from the nether I've died and I can't be brought back. I saw a light and my memories of everything they disappeared so did my vision.

Levin POV~

"NO DAD!!!!!!" I yelled Laurence fell limb with a sword in his back and Aphmau was thrown in with Dana she was still out from shock I think but I hope she wakes up soon. I can't believe she got hurt and Laurence died, he was in a cell alone but he's been here for everyone I can't believe he had to die.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now