# 41

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Garroth POV~

we finished talking to Aaron threw the Communication Amulet "Garroth we should cheack it out to see if there gone" Cadenza said.

"we have to be careful I don't want to lose you too" I said I kissed her softly and parted.

"me eather, let's go" she said and we walked quietly. we reached to phoenix drop and the gate was opened I looked around nobody was there we walked till we got to the other gate, and saw a lot of mi'fwa, Cadenza walked around to get to the boat but she was caught. I tried to run to her but I was being chased.

"Garroth!" she yelled and I was trapped in a corner. I pulled my sword out and so did the 3 mi'fwa one of them struck at me I dogged and killed that one, and the others did to but failed and I killed them as I was running to the boat it was leaving the dock.

"no, I need to get her I wont let be taken from me" I said out loud I grabbed the communication amulet and tell Aaron of what happened.

Alice POV~

I woke up and I was in Lucinda's place. "Alice do you remember what happened?" she asked me.

"yes I was helping Aphmau, by destroying her dad and I helped Zane find the light instead of darkness" I said and she smiled.

"ok you seem fine" she said and I walked out of her place and I bump into Aaron. "hi Aaron" I said cheerfully.

"Alice you remember me?" he asked and I nodded and he hugged me. we parted and he looked a bit sad.

"are you ok what happened?" I asked and Aaron told me everything and Aphmau and Laurence are taken to the tula region. I couldn't believe that they have been taken.

"We need to get them back here" I said but Aaron disagreed.

"No I think we need to play it safe we'll get her and Laurence out along with everybody we need a solid plan to get them out of there" he said and I couldn't take that chance.

"No we need to go now we don't know that regin like Ru'aun they could kill them if they don't have the answers, Lilith and Sophia need their mother and father I don't want them to think that they just abandoned them or that they left without any word to know they are safe. I'm going to get them out even without your help" I said and walked away, he grabbed my hand and I stoped and looked at him

"I don't want you gone I already lost you once I don't want to lose you again" He said and I was confused.

"A-Aaron?" I said before he kissed me, it was soft, sweet Passionate, we parted.

"Please don't leave again" he said.

"I'm sorry but I can't live with them not knowing where their parents are at, no kid should have live without there parents like I did, I'm doing this for them and for you, I'm getting your sister back" I said and I left. I got thru the portal and I walked to the dock I see Garroth.

"Alice why are you here?" he asked.

"I'm going to get everyone that was taken back here, what about you?" I asked.

"I'm going to get my wife back, I don't want to lose her I already lost my son" he said.

"I'm sorry that happened let's go together were stronger and have a better chance of getting them then on our own do you have a boat?" I asked

"yes, but I need to tell my Village before I leave" he said and I nodded we walked to Matli. now Tula will pay for taking Aphmau and Laurence away from their family and everyone else.

Kawaii~Chan POV~

I can't go back, there's is a reason why I left was to get away from my duties I'm a princess but it wasn't for me that life my father wanted was not not for me. After my mother died she told me to be me so I did I left but now I'm back. "Kawaii~Chan I missed my little girl" my father said kindly he's not bad he just has made bad mistakes.

"where is my Husband and my Daughter?" I asked scared.

"there safe you just have to marry the Prince to join our to kingdoms" he said

"NO, I'll never betray Dante~Kun he's my love you can't make me do this" I said in teris.

"Fine if you don't I'll kill everyone that took you away from me"

"they didn't take Kawaii~Chan away there Kawaii~Chan friends, Kawaii~Chan chose to leave here because this wasn't the life Kawaii~Chan wanted to live" I said.

"Fine you have 5 days to make up your mind Kawaii~Chan" he said and I was taken down to my old bedroom. I never meant for this to happen to anyone.

Aphmau POV~

were stuck in the cellar again. I'm in a cell with Dana and I can see everyone. "Mom how will we get out of here?" Levin asked.

"I don't know they took everything I have" I said and I was about to cry.

"Aphmau relax, will find a way out together" Laurence said.

"I just want to come home to Lilith and Sophia, to make sure they didn't hurt them" I said and Danna hugged me.

"I know Aphmau will get out of here don't lose hope" Laurence said he was right but how are we going to get out of here.

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