# 39

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Alice POV~

I walked with this girl called Aphmau and 2 kids which I have no Idea what there names are, and Laurence and Aaron. "this is the place" It was a large building with 3 stories it was a witch's hut. we walked in. "hey Lucinda do you have a memory potion that we could use" Aphmau asked.

"no I'm afraid not why?" she asked

"Alice as no memory of anything" Aphmau said and Lucinda nodded.

"ok sit right here, I'm going to put you asleep with a sleeping spell to see why you can't remember anything" Lucinda said and I laid down on the bed.

Aphmau POV~

Lucinda but he to sleep and did what she needed. "she can't remember what has happened because she's not supposed to, when she touched the Frozen heart she knew what she was giving up. she gave up her memory of ever having the mark of the wyvern to protect the others, I can replace those memories that made it realistic for humans but that's all I can do it will take a few day to a week for me to replace every memory" Lucinda said and I nodded we left.

"so she's going to be ok?" Sophia asked.

"yes she's going to be fine dear, do you guys want to play with Dell?" I asked.

"yay" they both said and we all laughed. we walked to Issa's home and Laurence knocked on the door. Brendon opened it.

"hey they want to play with Dell?" he asked and we nodded. Laurence set Sophia down and they walked with Brendon. and me and Laurence went around the Village to see if there's anything we can do to help.

Garroth POV~

I'm walking around the Village for anything to help. "Garroth!" I heard Cadenza yelled. she was rushing to me with our son him her arms.

"what's wrong?" I asked she was worried.

"I-I don't know we were playing then he just fell unconscious, he can barely breath and his heart is racing" she said about to cry.

"we need to go see Lucinda" I said and she nodded. we put our head guard in control he's trustworthy and we got on the horses to get to the portal. we got to the portal and we went threw Laurence saw us and ran.

"what happened to Cole?" he asked and Cadenza was crying.

"he fell unconscious, he's barely breathing and his heart is racing we need to see Lucinda" I said and he nodded and we ran to Lucinda's she was with Alice doing something I don't know.

"Lucinda, we need your help, it's Cole" Cadenza said threw tires and she nodded she set down another bed and we placed him there. she examined him.

"your son has contracted a rare illness, if Aphmau heals him he'll just be in extreme pain, I'm sorry but he's not going to live" Lucinda said sadly, Laurence was shocked and sad, Cadenza was crying on my shoulder. I'm rubbing her back trying to relax her I'm saddened our first born is gone.

Aphmau POV~

Garroth walked out of Lucinda's home and I heard everything I felt bad "I'm sorry to hear about your son" I said and he didn't say anything. I hugged him and he accepted, I knew he couldn't hold back anymore, I know I lost my son's childhood but he lost his son all together. "I know this hurts now but things will always get better not bad will stay forever, I'll always be here for you" I said and we parted.

"thank you Aphmau you always know what to say to make people feel a little better" I said and she smiled.

"you'll never have to go through anything alone, we'll always be here for you" I said and he smiled and hugged me.

"thank you Aphmau" he said and Cadenza walked out with Laurence. I hugged them both, Laurence was close with cOle whenever we visited I would just hang out with Cadenza I will miss him to we're family it hurt's I just don't like feeling weak I don't know why.

"Mommy, Daddy why is auntie Candy and Garrifh here" Sophia asked Lilith didn't say anything.

"why is everyone sad" Lilith asked. I didn't know how to put this so it won't hurt them neither did Laurence.

"Cole is sick" I said they looked at me.

"will he get better?" they asked and I looked at Laurence he picked up Sophia and I picked up Lilith.

"I'll see you guy's next time we visit" Cadenza said she always smiled when Sophia call's her Candy because she doesn't know how to say her real name. they walked away they'll be here tomorrow. right now Cole is under Lucinda's care to see if she can heal him without being in pain.

"will Cole be ok" Lilith asked again.

"we don't know sweetheart" I said.

"can we see him?" Sophia asked.

"no, he needs his rest, why don't we go play" Laurence said and they nodded. we walked home and played with them in the backyard. it was getting late we put the kids to bed.

"will you sing to us?" Lilith asked and I smiled they like me to sing to them it helps them sleep.

'goodnight my angel, it's time to close your eyes'

'and save these questions for another day'

'I think I know what you've been asking me'

'I think I know what I've been trying to say' I sang and Laurence smiled I looked backed at Sophia and Lilith.

'I Promised I would never Leave you'

'and you should always know'

'wherever you may go no matter'

'wherever you are I never will be far away' they started to drift off to sleep. I sang one more verse

'Goodnight my angels now it's time to sleep'

'and still so many things I want to say'

'Remember all the songs you sang for me'

'when we went sailing on the Emerald bay' I sang they were sound asleep. I walked out quietly and closed the door.

"you've always had a wonderful voice" he said and he pecked my lips. we walked to our room.

"well thank you I'm just glad you're back, I missed waking up to see you" I said and he smiled.

"well now you will, I don't plan on leaving you for a trip any time soon" he said and we got under the covers and I cuddled close to him. "Goodnight love" he said and I smiled.

"goodnight my love" I sand and we both drifted off asleep. I'm just happy that he's back home in my arms.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now