# 36

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Dell POV~

I'm walking with my friend Alice, I'm really happy that she is taking me home I miss my mommy, daddy, and my friend Lilith she older then me but she's my friend. we got to a place with a lot of buildings, maybe they know where my mommy and daddy are?

Alice POV~

we got to the village it was a small one one there's 6 or 7 houses a cupple farms and other buildings but it's ok I walk to one of the path's there was no gate but it doesn't matter right now. "Hello miss ,is this your child?" a guard asked me and it was female.

"no, I'm helping her find her parents, can I speak with your Lord?" I asked kindly.

"of course he's right over there" she said and I thanked her then I walked with Dell. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around.

"hello, I don't think I've, seen you before what is your name? and your daughters name?" he asked

"I'm Alice and this is Dell I'm not her mom but I'm helping her find her parents, are they here?" I asked and now that I think of it I never asked what they looked like.

"oh well what do they look like?" he asked and Dell hid behind me. I bend down to her level.

"it's ok he's going to help you, you can tell him" I said and she nodded.

"m-my daddy has black hair and brown eye's, my mommy has hair like mine and blue eye's" she said

"do you know there names?" he asked and she shook her head. "well I haven't got a report on a missing child in my village, but there is another village with a child missing, but it's hard to find you should head to New Mateli or Scaleswind, they might help you" the lord said and I thanked him. "here's some food" he said and gave us some bread and chicken.

"why thank you but why?" I asked

"it's a good walk to Scaleswind, so I insist you take some food" he said and I smiled I put them in my backpack and Dell held my hand and we walked to Scaleswind. but I feel like something is missing, I don't remember my past at all and her parents that she described seems familiar, and the name Dante is all that keeps popping up in my head, but I need to focus on find her mom and dad.

Aaron POV~

we set up a place for where we can remember Alice, well a shrine for her so we can remember her, she help us a lot like when people thought that Aphmau, Laurence, and Garroth where gone, they impacted everyone in a good way. I miss her but I can't find her I don't want to just disappear to find her that will hurt Aphmau. "Aaron, I know you said you wanted to be alone but I wanted to talk to you" I look behind me and it was Laurence. I let him speak "Aphmau is worried about you, what's wrong?" he asked

"I just miss her" that's all I said

"I know, she'll turn up it's just taking a while"

"it's been 3 years, she lost and I don't even know if she is still in Ru'aun" I said and bit loud then I took a deep breath "I'm sorry" I said and he out his hand on my shoulder.

"she's out there, so is Dell, I'm heading out to find Dell, you want to come with me?" he asked and I nodded and we walked to the portal.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now