# 8

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Garroth POV~

I got to new Matli and the guards stoped me but I explained to them that I'm an old friend of hers and let me though. I walk around and see a fiery hair and she turned around just as I saw her, "G-Garroth?" she asked "is that really you?" she asked as if it was a morotge 

"It's really me" I said and she hugged me I hugged back

"Garroth I missed you so much" she said and we parted "Come on inside I'm sure Aphmau at least told you what happened right?" she asked a bit scared and I assuming it was about the shadow souls

"she has she tells me everything when we get to see each other" I said and she looked at me.

"Look Garroth I know you like Aphmau but when you disappeared that day I was so scared of what happened and I Loved you I missed you I was so scared that you wouldn't make it I believe Lucinda when she said you guys weren't gone but 15 years I just lost hope, but I'm so glad you're back" she ranted and she was tire eyed. I moved my hand and wiped them away.

Cadenza POV~

I just couldn't believe he was here when I ranted I confessed I Loved him I'm scared that he won't feel the same way, but he wiped a few tears away. I looked up at him and he looked at my eyes. "I remember the time when you tried to help me when I wasn't feeling myself, you helped me countless times and I helped you when you needed it, I never realize how much I care and love you Cadenza and I really do" he said and I smiled he loves me, his hand caressed my cheek and leaned in I did as well. his lips were soft and the kiss was sweet and pationet. we parted and looked into each eyes.

"Garroth I want you to stay here" I said

"I will and I'll never leave again, I'll protect you" he said and I hugged him. "I just have to tell Aphmau before they leave to find the Island" he continued

"I kinda figured just don't leave just yet please" I asked

"I won't" he said

Laurence POV~

I woke up and Aphmau is still asleep, might as well make so food for her and me as well, I thought I got up and made some food.

I finished making the food and walked to her she was awake. "hey how are," I asked

"I'm ok I'm less exhausted than before" she said

"Zoey put a barrier around you till your majiks is a part of you and not when someone touches you it becomes part of them, we also couldn't risk Leven coming near you because he's a descendant of lady Irene, I also brought you and I food I thought you might be hungry" i said and she smiled

"Thanks I am and I understand but someone was carrying me no doubt" she said as she started eating

"well I was carrying you but I didn't get your powers because of the whole shadowknight thing most likely, Zoey check because kaitlyn was wounded a bit but I didn't heal here so the power is still inside you just have to wait one more day" I said and started eating

to be continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now