# 3

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Laurence POV~

I sat by her hoping she'll wake up soon, she keeps mumbling something "I need you" that's all I could here. she wake up and put her hand on her head. "Aphmau are you ok?"

" I'm fine how's levin?" she asked worried I wouldn't blame her. 

"he's fine Aphmau" I reached to feel her forehead and it felt hot. "Aphmau you have a fever here drink this potion that Kawaii~Chan made for you incase you still had the fever" I gave her the potion and she drank in. "You should feel better in 15 minutes but don't try to heal people in your Irene form for a while ok?" I said kindly

"I was just worried about him I don't want to lose him like he thought he lost me" she said sadly

"I understand he's your son do you want to see him?" I asked and she nodded. she stood up but wobbled a bit and started to fall I caught her. "I'll help you" I said and helped her up. we got to Levins and Malachi's house. "can you walk now Aphmau?"

"I don't know just stay with me please Laurence" she said with pleading eye's.

"why would I ever leave?" I said and she stood up on her own and walked it was slow but she's was able to. "Mom you're awake are you ok?" Levin asked

"I'm fine just was hard to walk but I'm fine Laurence helped me" she said and looked at me and smiled.

"thank you for taking care of our mom Laurence it's very much appreciated" Malachi said and they both hugged Aphmau "I love you mom please take care of yourself as well we don't want to lose you again" Levin said worried

"I know I didn't want to lose you eather I love the both of you so much" she said a bit teary eyed. they parted "Mom Kawaii~Chan would like to see you Laurence take care of her please" Levin instructed and I nodded

"where's Kawaii~chan at?" she asked

"she's in her house playing with Nekoette and Dimitri" Malachi said and we nodded Aphmau started to walk a bit faster then she was. we got to Kawaii~Chan's house and knocked on the door. Dante opened it "Aphmau you ok?"

"I'm fine Dante I was told that Kawaii~Chan wanted to see me" Aphmau said 

"ya she's up stairs she was really worried about you" 

"Aphmau it's been 15 minutes" I said and she stopped to turn around I put my hand to her forehead it's normal. "well no more fever" I said and she started to walk and went up stairs.

"Aphmau~Sanpi, your ok Kawaii~Chan was so worried about you and so was Nekoette~Tan, she got something for you Aphmau~Sanpi" and Nekoette gave her favorite flower.

"Thank you Nekoette this is my favorite flower how did you know?" Aphmau asked

"my mom told me that this was your favorite flower and I wanted to make Apmau~Sanpi happy" Nekoette said and Aphmau hugged her. "Is Laurence~Kun taking care of Aphmau~Sanpi?" Kawaii~Chan asked

"yes I'm making sure she's alright before she goes in that form again" I said

"Aphmau~Sanpi can you stay with the Nekoette~Tan and Dimitri~Kun I want to speak with Laurence~Kun down stairs" Kawaii~Chan asked

"sure I can stay and play with them" Aphmau said and Kawaii~Chan went down stairs and I so did I "Is Laurence~Kun ok with Aphmau~Sanpi, Kawaii~Chan knows that Laurence~Kun Love's Aphmau~Sanpi but she has not returned those feelings"

"I'm fine Kawaii~Chan I'm just happy that I'm around her even if she doesn't choose me and she chooses Garroth over me if i'm just around her and see her happy then I'm ok" I said

"but Aphmau~Sanpi doesn't know how to choose she has been lord for so long she didn't see how you or Garroth~Kun loved her till you told her but Aphmau~Sanpi was too busy to be in any relationship and now Aphmau~Sanpi doesn't know to express her feeling to you or Garroth~Kun before you and the other disappeared Apmau~Sanpi told me that she didn't know her family or her origins this is what  took most of her thought process but I think Aphmau~Sanpi loves you just doesn't know how to express how" Kawaii~Chan said 

"well thank you Kawaii~Chan for telling me this but I think she just needs to rest now from what happened to her just make sure that she does feel this way and help her Kawaii~Chan" I said 

"Kawaii~Chan will do the best she can for Aphmau~Sanpi" she went up to the top floor and then a few seconds later Aphmau came down. "Come on Aphmau you need your strength and it's almost night" I said

"Thank you Laurence for looking out for me" she said happily. and we went to the tree house to get some rest.

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now