# 18

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Aphmau POV~

I woke up and I'm in the cellar 'why am I in here' I thought to myself the I felt my feet are cold and I wasn't wearing anything on my feet all I was in is my underwear and my bra. I looked around to see kaitlyn and she was pretty much wearing the exact same amount of clothing. "Kaytlen you ok? what why do you have Cat ears and a tail?" I asked scared

"I'm fine and I could ask you the same" she said and I heard someone coming down and I see a wolf but it wasn't Boldof (Did I spell that right?) "why are we here? where is our cloths?" Kaytlen asked angered

"you blue haired Mif'wa not good fit for the Prince but you Black haired Mif'wa come with me" he demanded.

"what why me?" I asked still scared

"you will fit the price nicely and fulfil the destiny of our kingdom" was all he said and he unlocked the cell door and took me by force which I don't think took much effort. we walked past the other doors that lead to the cell's below and I could hear Alice, Travis, Chad, and Lucinda mostly Chad I could also here Lilith's cris, but I couldn't hear Aaron or Laurence which worried me.

we got to the king and had this grin about him. "ah look at what we have here you'll fit nicely for my son" he said "and he is lucky to have a beautiful Mif'wa as a bride" he continued I looked at him like he was an idiot 

"I'm not a- Never mind" I said 

"what is my future daughter's name?" he said happily but I could tell he was not right

"m-my name I-it's Aphmau" I said I was worried

"oh you  don't speak in third person like that Michi does, are you any how related?"

"no, and I'm not Mif'wa I'm from this region I don't hail from the Tula region" (I think I spelled that right) I said a bit annoyed

"well, it looks like you do and you seem familiar with the place you're not trying to escape that easy Aphmoo?" he said a bit unsure of how to say my name

"Aphmau, it's Aphmau" I said and calmed a bit 'I have got to get out here' I thought to myself

~you know how the rest of this goes for the day~

Laurence POV~ 

I can't believe we were captured everyone was. I could hear muffled sounds from the wall's but not sure of what they were saying. I needed to get out of here we all do and I need to know the Aphmau and Lilith are at least alive and ok. "we need to find a way out" Aaron said

"I know but how" I said and sighed "I really hope Aphmau and Lilith are ok" I said and looked at him

"me too, I just hope everyone is even Alice" he said and he looked like he was only meant to say that in his head.

"do. you. like her?" I said and smiled he looked embarrassed

"I-I just mean b-because s-she has been thorw a lot" he stuttered and looked down

"you do I can tell It's ok Aaron, you don't have to be embarrassed about it" I said calmly and a wolf came down with food. 

"you may eat Mif'wa's" he said

"how's Aphmau is she ok?" I asked and he looked at me

"are you her love?" he asked I nodded and he just climbed the ladder and left us to eat our food. I wonder why he asked that why would he want to know?

Little did he know that it was the worst mistake he made.......

To Be Continued~

(Ya Double Update :D)

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now