# 29

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Alice POV~

I got to where Raven is he looks to me and says "hello Alice I haven't seen you in a while, what brings you here" he asked me.

"I just wanted to talk to you guy's I missed-" I was cut off short because I heard something. I looked behind me nothing but something or someone is here. I had my sword out. 

"Alice your wings" Raven said I looked to see that they are disappearing great now I can't fly away well I'm just going to have to fight this one. I keep hearing footsteps but nothing then I saw a shadow figure I could tell this person is a shadow knight.

"Hello you must be Alice" I hear a male voice say and he came out. he has black hair and a blue eye the other one was covered.

"who are you?" I asked calmly.

"I'm Zane and I escaped the nether and found myself here" he said calm but I don't know him and yet he know my name.

"how do you know my name Zane" I asked

"a shadow knight described you exactly and said your name" he said this can't be true I know he's lying. "I just want help off this island" he said but something about him seemed off.

"you're lying you're after someone" I said and he smirked

"you're protecting her, you're connected with her somehow" he said I was confused. "you are Aphmau's Wyvern or somewhat like that" he said 

"I'll keep her safe I don't want anyone to hurt her" I said and another male figure shows up. he looks like Aaron but it's not him.

"not even her own father?" he said and smirked, that was the last thing I saw before darkness took over.


Aphmau POV~

I was in a place it seems familiar but I don't know it's not the tree where I go to see Garroth I'm in a cage 'Aphmau please don't come after me' this voice sounds like Alice

'why? where am I? what's happing' I asked

'I was captured by Zane and your dad I'm somehow connected to you and I need to protect you and your unborn child please don't come after me I'll find a way out somehow'

'ok but I have to tell the others so they don't worry, but i'm confused why is Zane and my Dad alive?' I asked clearly confused.

'they are shadow knights Aphmau I'll tell you more later when I get more information' she said and things started to fade.

"Aphmau are you ok?" I look to see Laurence "you where mumbling something in your sleep is everything ok" he asked I sit up.

"no Alice is captured" I said I was going to say more

"we need to go after her" he said and I placed my hand on his shoulded

"we can't she said not to" I said sadly

"why?" he asked confused

"she was captured by Zane and my dad" I said and tears was rolling down my face at the thought of my dad he wouldn't do that.

"Aphmau" he started and hugged me. "I'll stay here with you but how are they alive?" he asked and I sighed.

"they are shadow knights" I said "she will get more information later" I said and lied my head on his shoulder.

"you and her have to have the connection that a wyvern and a human have she's protecting you and the baby from him, ok so I won't go anywhere just get some sleep" he said and kissed my forehead we lied back down, and I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

~next morning~

I woke up because I was hungry. so I went down to the kitchen and make some food. I finished making food and I made some for Laurence. I started to eat and he came down "hey how are you feeling?" he asked and grabbed the food I made for him and sat down at the table.

"I'm good, hungry though" I said and we both chuckled, and I finished eating. "I'm going to see how Lilith is doing" I said and walked to her room. she's sleeping then she woke up and saw me and smiled.

"mama" she said and it's cute her hand reached out for me and I grabbed her from her crib.

"hey how is she?" Laurence asked

"she fine she just woke up" I said and she looked to Laurence 

"dada" she said and we both smiled. I put her down and she crawled to her toys. and we started to play with her. I love this moment and I want him to be with him for ever.

Laurence POV~


I was walking with Aphmau along the shore line. "Aphmau" I said and we stoped walking and she looked at me.

"yes Laurence" she asked sweetly

"I love you and I want to be with you for ever" I got down on one knee "Aphmau will you make me the happiest person ever and marry me?" I asked and Aphmau was trying to contain herself.

"yes Larence" she said and I got up and put the ring on her and hugged her. and I don't want to let her go.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now