# 27

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Aphmau POV~

I woke up and Laurence was still asleep I laid my head on his chest while he had his arms holding me. 5 minutes later he woke up. "Morning beautiful" he said smiling.

"morning handsome" I said "you know we have to get up" I said 

"but I don't want to" he said and I chuckled

"I know but we have to and we promised you sister to be at her wedding" I said and he sighed

"your right and we need to get dressed anyway" he said we we got up and got dressed, and went down stairs to eat. and Cadenza walked in. 

"Aphmau I need your help picking out a dress for both you and me I made a few and I can't decide" she said and grabbed my arm and walked away.

"I'll see you later Laurence" I said and went with Cadenza to where she made her dresses. we got here and the dresses we gorgues and a lot of them.

"Cadenza I thought you said you made a few dresses, and why are there kid sized clothes here?" I said and picked up a few.

"ok promise not to say anything it's a present for Garroth" she said and I nodded. "I'm pregnant and you can't say anything to anyone Aphmau" she said and I smiled and did my best not to squeal.

"oh Cadenza I'm so excited  and happy that you have a new addition for your family, now what dresses are you stuck between?" I said 

Laurence POV~

"hey Garroth you excited?" I said and waited for the tailor to be done adjusting both of our suts.

"ya, I can't believe I would be married to the most most wonderful person" he said smiling. "what about you and Aphmau have you planned anything spechel for you guys?" he asked.

"ya actually I'm going to ask her to marry me soon you know after we get the village set up" I said and the tailor finished our suts.

~time skip to the wedding~

I was with Garroth and Aphmau waiting for Cadenza to walk down the aisle, and she did she looked amazing, and so did Aphmau. Cadenza looked to Garroth and the priest starts talking. "we are Gathered here today to join two souls in marriage, Cadenza Lord of New Mateli and Garroth, Gard and soon to be co-Lord. if anyone objects to this marriage please say something or remain at peace." he stayed silent for a few seconds and continued "Garroth do you take Cadenza to be you wife, to cherish till Death do you part?" he asked

"I do" Garroth said and Cadenza smiled.

"Cadenza do you take Garroth to be you faithful Husband to hold and love till Death do you part?" the Priest asked and looked at Cadenza.

"I do" she said and they put the rings on each other.

"I pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride" he said and Garroth moved the veil and kissed her, everyone clapped. we all walked to the plaza and danced.

"everyone I have an announcement" Cadenza started and continued "we're have a baby" she said and Garroth hugged Cadenza and I couldn't be happier for my sister. and I looked at Aphmau trying to be surprised but doing a bad job of it.

"she told you didn't she" I said and we laughed a bit.

"ya she did anyways lets get some food" she said and I grabbed her hand and we headed to the table with food.

~timeskip to when they get home~

we got through the portal fine, and headed to camp. when we got there it looked amazing they got more houses up and the pen for the cow looks better. "Hey Dimitri look Aphmau and Laurence are here" I heard Alice said and I looked at the sky and she flew down.

"hey Alice I'm glad your feeling better" I said and hugged her she had her wings at her sides. 

"hey Aphmau hey Laurence, Lilith misses you" I saw Zoey and she and handed me Lilith.

"hey hows my little pumpkin" I said and she giggled. I would like to see my boys grow up but I don't want to change this moment.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now