# 14

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Laurence POV~

we got close to the bridge and the shadow souls came right for us but we attacked them before we continued it's surprisingly not that hard to defeat them giving that there in the Nether. we walked inside the castle to nothing on the first floor. then I hear someone go throw the Nether portal and came down to the bridge and it was Dante. "What are you doing here Dante did you get the kids back to Phoenix Drop?" Aphmau asked

"I came here to get my sister  I'm not going to lose her again, and the Kids are fine there with Kawaii~Chan" He said and we nodded

"ok well the first floor is clear and we're just about to go to the second" I said and he nodded. after a while the second floor was also empty now we go up to the roof of the castle. we walked up cautiously. and to see Zinix, Gene, and Alice.

"you arrived right on cue good work you 2" Zinix said evaly and continued "and Laurence good to see your back and I see you brought friends with you" he said and smirked

"What do you want with them" Aphmau asked frightened and angry.

"oh, I can't revive the shadow lord myself much too dangerous for me to do alone and I wouldn't hurt my lovely Alice now would I" he said evaly

"no you wouldn't my love" she said a bit out of it like she was being controlled.

"A-Alice? G-Gene" Dante said weakly.

"well you can't Revive the Shadow Lord Cadenza isn't here" Aphmau said angrily

"oh I never needed Cadenza, I only needed you Aphmau and here we are" he said and charged right at us along with Alice and Gene. Gene came after me I could tell he was being controlled as well. his sword came at me but I blocked it and Aaron came behind him while he was distracted to knock him out. and I saw that Aphmau was laying on the ground and I can rush to her and carried her bridle style while Zinix was occupied.

Dante POV~

he definitely a lot stronger than what I was thinking. "ha you foolish boy you should have never come here" Zinix said and I became angered

"you traped my sister twice and you expect me not to come here" I said furius

"but she's mine and she'll never leave this was just a set up to get Aphmau" he spat and I fell to the ground as he swung his sword at me. he did this again but I couldn't get up in time to block this attack so I waited to let it happen but it never did.

Alice POV~

I finally came out of my hypnosis and Looked to see Dante on the ground and Zinix about to finish him off I rush toward them and blocked the attack. "A-Alice" he stuttered as if he couldn't believe that i saved him.

"Dante" I started and this pains me to do this but I have to. "you and the others need to get out of here while you still can" I demanded

"no I'm not going to lose you again" he said and I could tell he's trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

"Dante please leave I love you and I'm glad that I got to see you before this happened but you need to get out of here along with the others" I said and fought back the tears "you have a family to take care of your kids need their father please don't leave them behind just to save me" I said 

"O-ok I-i'll miss you baby sis" he said and they left without hesitation.

"you foolish girl, I'll destroy you" Zinix said angered and swung at me but I dodged and I did a sweep kick and he fell to the ground

"I won't let you hurt anyone else even if  it means to stay here for eternity" I said and Gene came to help me fight him. this is going to take a while and he didn't need Gene or me to help revive the Shadow Lord he can't absorb any more Shadow nights but all I know is that we're not going to go to the over world any time soon.

Aphmau POV~

I woke up to see that everyone surrounded me and Laurence hugged "Oh thank Irene you're ok" he said and I hugged him back. 

"what happened to you Aphmau?" Emmaline asked curiously

"well I was fighting Zinix but he knocked me out and as I fell to the ground and went on to kill or knock out the others before he revived the shadow lord" I said

"well at lest you're ok" Aaron said

"hey where's Alice?" I asked

"she's in the nether" Dante said and breathed out heavily "she risked her life to save us she said she didn't want to be the reason that you were all hurt or killed" he said and looked down at his Alice is he one who saved all of us.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now