# 24

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Alice POV~

'NO APHMAU' I wanted to say this out loud but I can't

'hahahaha there's nothing you can do, wait I feel weak what are you doing' he asked

'this is my body my mind, and your not going to take it from me without a fight, I'm stronger than you' I said and he's was gone for good I gained control of my body, i looked around and see Aphmau falling, she wasn't in her form anymore. "Aphmau I'm coming I said. and few as fast as I could before she hit water but I couldn't avoid that she was to close. 

I'm now under water and I see Aphmau I quickly grabbed her flew to the surface.

Laurence POV~

no not Aphmau she's my love I don't want to lose her. I look and Alice came out of the water with Aphmau we all came down to the shore. "I'm so sorry guy I-" Aaron cut her off

"Alice, this was not your fault That demon Warlock controlled you but how did you take control back" he asked I picked up Aphmau Bridle style and walked back to camp.

"my will and my nature it did take a bit out of me but he's gone for good" she said and she's right I couldn't feel his presence anymore only the one's around me, but Aphmau's she's fading slowly but still.

"guy's we need to get to camp quick Aphmau is not going to make the rest of the trip back if we don't move faster." Lucinda said.

"let me take her to camp you guy's run to camp I'll see you guy's there" Alice said we nodded she sill have her wings and can get there quicker. I handed her Aphmau "I can take one other person Laurence you want to come with?" she asked I nodded. "get on my back" she said and I did to be honest this was wired. then she took off it's cool to be in the air and we got there quicker then on foot.

we got to the ground and I got off her back. "come on let's go to the house" I said and she continued to walk with Aphmau in her arms. we got to the house.

"Laurence who is she?" Brendan asked

"Laurence she's fading faster" Alice said

"I'll explain later" I said and we walked in and she and her on the couch.

"I can heal her" Alice said I looked at her confused. "I know ancient healing a certain kind of Wyvern  know's this and the Wyvern's I was raised by know this but they don't heal that often for reasons but let me do this" she said and I noded I let her do what she needed. 

"L-Laurence what happened?" I looked and Aphmau's awake. I rushed and hugged her

"Aphmau you where struck by the Demon warlock but Alice took control back and saved you she-" I looked over to her and she looks like she sleeping.

"APHMAU!" I look and Aaron hugged her "Oh thank Irene you're ok" he said and let her go.

"Alice did Ancient Healing that the Wyverns taught her or something and saved Aphmau" I said and everyone smiled.

"but she'll be asleep for who knows how long to regain her strength back the Wyvern's that she was taught to survive can heal they are very rare because there blood can heal people that are dieing that's why they are rare now even in their own realm I think but she'll live  just let her be" Lucinda said and we nodded

"I'll take her back to camp" Aaron said her wings are by her side and she has a few scales on her face and arms maybe that's the closest to be a Wyvern for her. Aaron carried her to camp.

"I'm sorry Aphmau I should have gone with you" I said holding her hand and look down.

"Laurence it's ok we had to look around for her and this was a big island that we didn't know where she would be and you couldn't have known, Laurence I love you and I know you'll do your best to protect me just don't blame your self if I get hurt when you're not around Life doesn't always work the we want it to"Aphmau said 

"I know I just don't want you hurt again" I said and she leaned in and I did to and kissed her we parted and walked to camp so far this has been a crazy expansion but as long as Aphmau is safe and with me I'm ok with anything happening.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now