# 32

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~next day~

Alice POV~

"we have been flying round for a while Zane, I can't fly around like this forever" I said and my voice still sounds like 3 voices.

"ok we can just walk then where on the same land now" he said and I flew to the ground. and we walked "your eye's are turning light blue, they where white before"

"it's something that happens I only have 2 day's left of this form then" I said

"do you need to rest, you seem really tired" he asked/said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"no Zane, I'm fine  really flying is just more tiring flying most of the time" I said and we chuckled a bit. and walked. "the woods are fimiller" I said 

"they aren't to me so why are you fimiller with them?" he asked

"my village was under attack by a neighbouring Village, they said that we are too close to their grounds and attacked and captured and or killed everyone but me, I was the only one who escaped, I basically live in the woods my whole life" I said

"I'm sorry that happened" he said

"it's fine Zane, I'm reunited with my brother Dante, now let's go so we can fix the connection between yours" I said and we walked in the direction of Mateli.

Aphmau POV~

me and Laurence got to Mateli and Laurence is holding Lilith, the guard lets us in. we walked around and we saw Cadenza, "hey guy's who's the cutie?" she asked 

"this is Lilith, we adopted her basicly" Laurence said

"so what brings you here?" she said calmly

"well me and Aphmau are getting married" Laurence said and Cadenza smiled and was about to say something, but I started.

"and where having a baby" I finished while smiling.

"oh my, I can't be even more happier then I am right now" she said fangirling. "and me and Garroth just found out where having a boy, haven't disided on the name though" she said happily "so, when's the wedding?" she asked excited

"we haven't decided, but hopefully before she's born" Laurence said, and I saw something in the distance, it looked like wing's but it's hard to tell, and there's another figure beside it.

"you guy's see this to right?" I said and I looked to Laurence he nodded. the figure came closer it was a female, I know her I feel like but I don't know the face, and the figure next to it was Zane. "Z-Zane?!?!" was all I said I thought she said it would be safe. 

"I did Aphmau, he's harmless now trust me" the girl with White curly hair and light blue eye's said. Laurence handed me Lilith and got his sword out.

"how do you know my name?" I asked frightened.

"Aphmau, I know I look different but it's me Alice, the frozen heart changed me apperice, I'm not sure if it's for good yet but Zane is harmless, the path that he was on was only led by his father, he thought him to be powerful is to be ruthless, Zane was innocent in all this" she said her voice sounded like three.

"ok, I trust you" I said and Laurence looked at me like I'm crazy. "I trust her, you know that feeling of a Wyvern has with a human Laurence" I said and he sighed and put his sword away.

"ok Aphmau, but I'm not going to let my guard down when he's around you till I trust him, ok?" he said and I nodded.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now