# 31

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3rd person POV~

as Alice absorbed the power of the Heart she transformed into ~picture below~

as Alice absorbed the power of the Heart she transformed into ~picture below~

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her hair turned white and so did her eye's. her wings grew bigger and the edges turned to ice. she also has magiks of ice. she broke the cell and pieces of it few every where. and both Zane and Hirrio (Aphmau's father) run to see what that noise was. Hirrio drew his sword out and attacked her. but it was useless against her. she put her hand out and ice formed and attacked him, and used some other sort of majiks to make him disappear. "you are powerful w-what h-how did you even?" Zane asked in awe 

"that is none of you concern I know you are good Zane" she said and it sounded like she has three voices one softer than the last. "I can help you and bring you back to you brothers" she continued Zane didn't know what to say to that she knows something troubles him to cause him to be the way he is. "Zane I'll will not turn you away, I know you can find love and happiness, you don't have to be like this" she finished and Zane's expression softened.

"but, how I never experienced love I came this why and I don't even know how this path started" he said and looked down, she got to the ground softly and touched his shoulder he looked at her.

"your mother showed you love care and compassion, your brothers all ways wanted to be around you, it was your father who changed you and how you acted, he said you where weak and he wanted to make you stronger but it was the wrong way he made you the way you are that is why people feared you, feared Okasis" she said and he looked down in sadness.

"what can I do? how can I change people mind of me change what I have done?" he said and looked at her.

"you need to be with Garroth and Vlayd if you can change their mind about you, there love of you will spread and you will be with good people, trust me I can take you to Garroth, just stay by me and let me explain what happened, he'll understand." she said and he nodded they walked to the entrance and left. it was an island Zane got on her back and flew to where they needed to go.

Aphmau POV~

'Aphmau, it's safe to go through the portal' she said and my eye's lit up. and I was playing with Lilith.

"someone's happy what happened?" Laurence asked.

"we're good to go through the portal now" I said. 

"Levin and Malachi would be happy to see you, and their baby sister" he said and Lilith giggled.

"don't forget you, and we have to tell them" I said smiling. we got up and Laurence carried Lilith and we walked to the portal. now where back in Phoenix Drop, and walked to the gates. Dante was surprised to see us he instantly ran and hugged me.

"Aphmau, I'm glad to see you" he said and parted "Aphmau are you pregn-"

"Dante I'm glad to see you as well and yes, but I want my boy's to be surprised with the news" I said and he nodded.

"I'm not going to keep you guys any longer, I'll catch up with you guys later" he said and we walked to Levin and Malachi's house. I knocked on the door, it opened and I see Malachi he hugged and let us in.

"Mom I'm glad to see you but why are you here I thought it wasn't safe" he said confused.

"well it's fine now, where's Levin?" I asked and Levin came down and hugged me. and he saw Laurence and Lilith. "guy's this is your baby sister" I said and Laurence set her down and she walked kind of.

"aw she's cute, so what brings you here besides Lilith?" Levin asked.

"so great news actuly, Aphmau and I are getting married" Laurence said and they were happy.

"that's not all, we're have a baby" I said and they hugged both me and him.

"mom, I'm so happy for you guy's so when are you guy's getting married?" Levin asked as we parted, and Malachi went to get Lilith.

"I don't know, hopefully before Sophia is born" Laurence said (they decided on the name)

"it's a girl how did you find out?" Malachi asked

"Lucinda, she help find out what was wrong" I said and they nodded.

"why don't we have the wedding here?" Laurence asked 

"well we also need to tell Cadenza" I said and he nodded. I'm so glad to have him in my life, he's the love of my life and I don't want him to leave me.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now