# 25

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Aphmau POV~

I'm farming with Vlyd he learned a few things from Alice, Dimitri is finally here. "Aphmau who is the dragon lady in the camp?" he asked confused.

"oh she is Alice, she's your aunt and an honorary Wyvern and a Shadow Knight, she's resting right now so leave her be for now" I said and he nodded.

"is she related to my dad or my mom? and why she gone for so long?" he asked

"she is your dad's sister and you want to ask her that story because it's not my place to tell you but what do you want to do?" I asked him he thought for a moment and had a smile.

"I want to learn to fight" he said excited I smiled.

"there is someone much better than me." I said and he smiled.

"is it me?" I heard and it was travis but he scared me.

"Travis don't do that" I calmed down "but no Dimitri follow me" I said and I walked to where Aaron is. I tapped his shoulder "Dimitri, this the person I was talking about" I said and Aaron was confused while Dimitri eyes lite up. "Aaron he want to learn to fight" I said 

"ok, but can you watch Lilith?" he asked

"ya I will" I said and they walked away, and I look to see Lilith smiling at me. I tickled her belly a bit and she laughed. I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked to see Laurence.

"hey where did Aaron go?" Laurence asked

"he's teaching Dimitri how to fight why?" I asked confused

"nothing just wondering because he watches Lilith and I was wondering where you where because last I saw you you where helping Vlyd" he said.

"ok well you found me so what do you need?" I asked

"well I need you to come with me to see my sister, she would love to see you and maybe we could get some pointers to build things" he said and i felt completely stupid.

"oh man I completely forgot she had to build from scratch" I facepalmed "and also I have to tell Leven and Malachi about the sister, I'll see if Zoe could watch Lilith" I said and he nodded "I'll meet you at the portl love" I said and kissed his cheek and walked to Issa house. I Zoe is outside perfect. "hey zoe can I ask you something?"

"ya of course what is it?" she asked concerned

"can you watch Lilith for a while I'm going to go see Cadenza with Laurence"I said

"sure I will see you when you get back" Zoe said and walked to the portal. I see Laurence there and we walked into it and of course Laurence felt quise and I gave him ginger.

"thanks i needed that" he said and I smiled

"I'll go see Leven and Malichi real quick then we go see Cadenza" I said and he nodded

"I'm going with you cause I want to see them to" he said and we walked to there house, I knocked on there door and Levin opened it up.

"hey mom hey Laurence how are you is everything ok?" he asked

"everything is fine Levin I just forgot to tell you guy's something is Malachi here?" I asked

"ya, he's on the couch come on in" he said and we walked in. "so what do you need to tell us?"

"well you have a baby sister" I said excited and they where to

"mom that's great didn't even know you where pregnant" Levin said happily

"who's the father? is it Laurence" Malachi asked, I feel embarrassed I could tell Laurence was to to be fair I did expect this if I just said it the why I did, but even more embarrassing out loud and with Laurence beside me.

"no guy's she adopted her, but we are dating" Laurence said they smiled at that comment. "well we are going to see my sister to she if she could give us any tips or anything to help anything" he finished and I hugged them goodbye and we walked to New Mateli hand and hand. 

~a few hours later~

we got to the gates and they let us in. "Cadenza is in her home" Cloud said and we nodded and walked to her house. Laurence knocked on the door and she opened it, and pretty much talked Laurence I never seen her this happy. "Cadenza don't kill him please just tell us what you're excited about" I said.

"I'm getting married" she squealed

"oh my Garroth proposed Cadenza I'm so happy for you" I said and she hugged me really tight, and a little too long I mouthed 'help me' to Laurence. he pulled Cadenza off of me. 

"sorry just really excited anyway why are you guy's here? are you dating?" she asked

"yes but we-" she cut me off

"oh my Irene I'm so happy" she said and spinning me around.

"Cadenza don't break her please, and you need to chill out I never seen you this happy ever but still you don't need to break Aphmau in the process" Laurence said and she let me go.

"sorry but continue" she said calm. we asked for any pointers and she gave us the advice we needed and she also offered us a place to stay, we accepted because it's late. we went to the inn and got a room. I went to the bathroom to change and crawled under the sheets next to him. lad my head on his chest while he put an arm around me.

"Aphmau do you ever wonder what would happen if we weren't stuck in the Irene Dimension?" he asked

"ya but we can't change the past and I'm glad for this one I wouldn't want to change it because this is a really great reality and I'm glad to have you Laurence" I said.

"I am too I wouldn't want to change anything that led up to this" he said and I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

To Be Continued~

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