# 9

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Aphmau POV~

Lucinda, I need to tell her about this it's driving me crazy. "Laurence?" he looked at me concerned "could you get Lucinda I need to talk to her with what was on my mind" I said and looked down

"is it wanting to find out your past?" he asked and put his hand on my shoulder and I nodded, so I felt footsteps get quieter then disappeared, I also need to tell him that I need him, that I love him.

soon I heard footsteps come closer to me and I looked up to see him and lucinda "Aphmau what's wrong?" she asked

"you said that everyone has a past correct?" and she nodded "well not everyone does" I said and she looked at me wide eyes

"Aphmau what are you talking about? everyone does have a past good or bad" she said and she was still concerned about what I just said

"no, I don't know mine" she looked at my wide eyes and I continued "I don't know where I grew up or who my family is or if something bad happened to me, all I did was wake up in the woods with no memory of anything. can you please help me" I said a bit teary eyed but holding them back and I have know Idea where Laurence is well I'll have to tell him later.

"Of course Aphmau, if this is what you want i have my book right here so I can find out the position or spell" she said

~2 hours later~

"ok I'm back with the potion, you're lucky I had all the ingredients to me it" she said and I thanked her and drank the potion and everything came to me in a flash

~her past~

~when she was 6~

"here sweetie take this and go play with your brother Aaron" mom said and she handed me a small train. I ran over and played with Aaron and all the other kids in the villige. everyone was so nice that was until they showed up. me and Aaron ran home to mom and dad. "Mommy Daddy what's happening? why are there people outside that arnt our guards?" me and Aaron asked

"come on children we have to get out of here before they get here" dad said and we packed our clothes and some toy but not all and I packed my teddy bear and held on to mommy hand and Aaron was running infrunt of us with daddy.

it took a while but we got to the forest where we were safe and build a small house. but I was to scared to do anything I just held my bear he always made me feel better and safe. Aaron came by and sat next to me "Aaron I'm scared" I said  and he hugged me I hugged back and we parted

"we are going to be ok Aphmau, Mom and dad are here and I won't let anything hurt you or take you away from me, I love you little sis" he said and hugged me again and I felt safer and more calm.

~A few years later now she's 10 and Aaron's 12~

I was playing sword fight with Aaron, and we heard a scream. we stoped playing and ran upstairs to mom and dad's room. I open the door and see Dad laying on the ground with a pool of blood around him. and mom held a sword in fear "MOM WHAT HAPPENED?" Aaron yelled/ asked.

"the shadow knight killed him he tried to save me, but the knight was to strong for him he was focused on him that I attacked it and killed it, I'm sorry but I tried to help him kids" she said and started to cry she fell to the ground and put her hands in her face. me and Aaron put our wooden swords down and hugged mom, this was our family now and we have to stick together to survive this world.

~when she was 15 and Aaron is now 17~

 I was helping out our neighbour with her garden and Aaron came by. "Hey Aphmau are you almost done?" he asked

"ya, why do you need help with something?"

"well I wanted to tell you that Mom she's to weak and she wanted to speak with you and I before she goes" he said and looks down at the ground I did as well I stoped what I was doing. "hey Haley I'm sorry but I can't continue our mother" she cut me off

"I under stand go see your mother we all know what's going on" she said and hugged the both of us and we walked to our home, then into our mothers room she was laying on her bed, she was pale and to weak to be living, we tried everything we know but nothing could help this, she disided just to leave it alone and when the time comes, there was nothing that we could do so we respected her wishes and let her go throw this course and try to make it happy as we could. "hey, I'm sorry to go like this" she said

"mom you can't be sorry for what life has given, there's nothing we can do to stop it all we can do is accept it for what it is" Aaron said and I walk to her and sat down and held her hand, it was cold. "we love you mom and I'll never forget you" I said and she smiled that was that and she closed her eyes and breathed out her final breath. Aaron carried her and set her down next to dad's grave, and I gave them both fowers. I just couldn't hold my tears back any more I cried and Aaron pulled me into a hug. that was the last time we saw our mothers face.

~she is 19 and he's 21~

"Aaron, Zane is coming we have to defend the town" I said and we grabbed our swords and fought as hard as we could but they weren't strong enough. they took down Aaron I ran to him but as I did I was hit with something and that was the last thing I saw.

~back to real life~

"Aphmau what do you remember" I look around and Laurence, Katelyn, Aaron, Garroth, and Cadenza. "Aphmau?" she continued

"I-I remember that Aaron" I paused for a bit then continued "He's my brother" I said and looked at him he was relived.

"A-Aphmau you remember" he said and hugged me

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now