# 28

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~a few days later~

Aphmau POV~

~she and Laurence are in one of the new houses~

I don't feel too hot maybe it's something I ate I don't know. "Laurence" I said trying to fight tears I don't know why everytime I feel like throwing up I just want to cry.

"Aphmau is everything ok? you don't look to good" he said concerned

"I feel sick" I said and he hugged me.

"ok go lay down and I'll bring Zoye to you" he said and I layed down on the bed. as soon as he left I just wanted to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and moved my hair out of the way and threw up.

"Aphmau where are you?" I heard a voice say.

"in here" I said a bit weak, I soon heard footsteps coming to me and the door opened. it was Laurence and Zoey.

"Aphmau are you ok?" Zoey asked I shook my head. Laurence helped me up and led me to the bed and sat on it. Zoey did what she needed to do.

"Aphmau I couldn't figure anything out I just need to ask you a few questions though, Laurence do you want to stay here?" she asked

"I'm going to stay here" he said and she nodded.

"ok Aphmau did you have any pains in your stomach?" I nodded. 

"she said yesterday that she had pain in the middle of her stomach" Laurence said 

"ok then I need to confirm if I'm correct Aphmau Laurence would you follow me to Lucinda's" she said and Laurence and I followed her I still felt nauseous but I need to walk. we finally got to Lucinda's.

"hello Aphmau, Laurence, and Zoey what brings you here?" Lucinda asked.

"Aphmau is sick and we need to know what it is I couldn't do anything to help her but maybe you can" Zoey said and she nodded we walked into Lucinda's house and I sat down, Lucinda did what she needed.

"oh congratulations Aphmau and Laurence you're having a baby" Lucinda said excited and Laurence hugged me. we parted and walked out Zoey is talking to Lucinda.

"I can't believe we're starting a family Laurence" I said and smiled so did he.

"I know you know we have to tell Leven and Malachi right" he said

"I know but we got back here not to long ago so I'm going to wait to tell them" I said and I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn to see Lucinda. 

"Aphmau I forgot to tell you that your baby is a girl" she said

"ok well thank you for telling me Lucinda" I said and hugged her and we parted and me and Laurence continued to walk back. "so what are you thinking of naming her?" I asked him.

"oh that's a good question um how about Autumn or Sofia?"

"those are really good names actually I can't decide" I said smiling and we got back and I see Lilith crawling around and she saw me and crawled my way. I picked her up "Hey how's my little Pumpkin?" I said and tickled her a bit, and she giggled.

"hey Aphmau you seem to be better is everything ok?" Aaron asked me.

"yes everything is fine she's actually pregnant" Laurence said and Aaron's eyes go wide.

"really congratulations you guy's do you know the gender?" he asked

"it's a girl, we are having trouble deciding between Autumn and Sofia" I said and Looked at Lilith.

"gh, go m-ma, mama" she said and I smiled. "Mama" she said again and grabbed my hair.

"aw cute, well I'm going to see Raven I'll see you later Aphmau" Alice said and flew away.

Alice POV~

I got to the island that Raven was at because I had had this dream about my past I don't think it's true but it could be only be a dream. I need to know more about my past because something about it seems to be off.

To be continued~

sorry it's short

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now