# 23

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~still night~

Alice POV~

I keep hearing that voice, I couldn't sleep.something felt strange and it's awfully familiar. I got up with my sword and headed in the direction of the voice. then it started to fade so I went back a few and went to the left. this voice lead me to a place we haven't haven't been to yet or at least some of us maybe Chad has. "There you are Alice" the Demon Warlock said.

"What do you want, and why?" I said angered but not enough to change into my shadow night form.

"All i want is your body to get rid of someone"he said I knew there's got to be more than just this I held my sword tighter. "oh and I can get your brother out of the nether" he said "and give you back your Magicks" he said and this was to tempting. "all you have to do is let me do this" he finished but I know he's tricking me.

"no, I'm not going to let you do this to them I'll never help you" I said with fury but he smirked.

"I knew you would say that it's part of your nature as a honorary Wyvern" I looked at him surprised. "I could use a new set of wings" he said and that was the last I saw. 'I'm not dead but where am I?'

'your in your own mind I took control of your body now I can can take over the world'

'you, they can defeat you monster'

'no they can't they wont lay a finger on you not even Aaron or my son hahaha'

Aphmau POV~

I was hearing chatter around me 'there so cute together' 'hey where's Alice?' I woke up and to see everyone worried "What happen did I disappear again?" I asked Travis shook his head

"no but Alice is she may have been lured in some were by my dad, she told me that she has been hearing a voice maybe it's him" Travis said "I've been hearing his voice but I'm use to it, but she's curious so he might of gotten to her" he finished, I nodded

"we should look for her" I said and they all nodded

"I'll stay with Isabell and Issa to watch the kids and if she comes here" Brenden said and I nodded and headed off.

"Wait Aphmau are you sure going alone is a good idea?" Kaitlyn asked

"no but this island is so big that we need to find her so we might as well go search every part of the island alone to find her" I said and she nodded and I walked into the forest.

it's been at least a few hours I need to take a break. I sat down "Alice where are you" I said and sighed

"oh Aphmau I'm right here" I hear a voice that sounded like 3 I looked around and see dark purple eye's. I squinted mine and this person came to view it's Alice but not her at the same time. she had gray skin and wings and the outline of them are dark red and the middle is dark gray. "but I'm not Alice take a guess of what I am" she said evilly

"the demon Warlock" I sapt

"you don't look that stupid but you came alone which is a mistake" she/he said and I ran till I came upon a cliff. "you have nowhere to run now" she/he said and smirked I'm scared now

"no but I can fly" I said and changed to the irene like form and flew but it was no use, she/he chased me till I heard

"APHMAU!!!!" a group of people say but that was the last thing I heard before Darkness came and took over my vision.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now