# 12

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Aphmau POV~

I woke up and see that Nekoette~Tan and Dimitri are still sleeping Kaytlen is eating some food we got. "Hey Aphmau you want something?" she asked I nodded and ate some food "so you and Laurence hu? I thought you and Garroth would be a better cupple but that's my thoughts if you're happy with Laurence then stay that way"

"ya, well we make each other really happy and we both trust and love each other so why not, so you ready to see Pikoro?" I asked

"ya a lot changed and it makes me feel more at home" she said and smiled I look over and see Dimitri and Nekoette~Tan wake up and look over at us. 

"hey Aphmau~Sanpi can we get some food?" Nekoette~Tan asked and we nodded and gave them some food. when we are finished we continued to walk to pikoro. we see a few gaurds but they let us in. Kaytlen took the kids to explore the village so I won't be distracted and tell what happened and what was told to me. I knocked on Hailey's door and she opened it. "hello Aphmau what brings you here?" she asked

"can I come inside I need to tell you something important" I asked and she nodded and let me in, she closed the door and we sat down. "Zinix is planning to rieve the shadow lord himself but he let Gene and Alice live for some reason and he will attack at some point till he gets what he needs, he needs me and Cadenza the lord of New Mateli to rieve the shadowlord, I-I just thought you should know" I said and she nodded

"thank you for telling me Aphmau I'll help protect you both when you need call here take this amlt for both you and Cadenza it'll help you hide your powerful magiks and hide Cadenza's specialness from Zinix for a period of time." she said and nodded I put the amulet on and walk around till I found Kaytlen

Alice POV~

I woke up and Travis is still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him so I got up quietly and walked around but didn't wander too far. I see a figure in the trees and it came closer I stayed put and it revealed Zinix. I was about to say something but then he did something and fell to the ground.

Zinix POV~

I put her under the hypnotic spell so this is what my plan would work i couldn't get her to do this alone and I can get her to bring them to the nether for me she is really beautiful when she sleeping. I thought, I whispered to her "you will tell Scaleswind of what I'm planning but when you all meet up at phoenix Drop Gene will capture you, and you won't fight back just let it happen and they will try to save you, but you'll fight against them, I love you Alice remember my plan and I'll see you soon my sweet" I said and I went back to the nether she'll wake up soon and she will lead them on to make my plan work.

Travis POV~

I woke up and I look around to see that Alice was on the ground I ran over to her and lifted her head close to my chest and looked around to see if she was hurt. then she fluttered her eyes open and she looked at me "Alice you ok what happened?" I asked 

"I-I don't know maybe I just was sleepwalking I tend to do that sometimes" she said a bit calm and sat up. I breathed out in relief "ok well you ready to get to Scaleswind" she asked and I nodded and we packed up our things and headed to Scaleswind. I just want her to be ok

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now