# 33

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Alice POV~

"Alice, did you use the frozen heart?" Cadenza asked she knows what could happen to me but not what it does in the meantime.

"yes, where's Garroth, we need to speak with him" I said and she nodded we walked to there house.

"hey love" Gorroth said and kissed her. "who did you bring over?" he asked and Zane stepped out in the open and gorroth was shocked. 

"before you do anything, just let him explain" Cadenza said and gorroth nodded.

"I'm sorry for what I did, but Alice she used the frozen heart that made me feel like I what I did in the past was wrong and she helped me realize that our dad set me on the wrong path, and I want to go on the right on, so can you forgive me?" Zane said and Gorroth nodded.

"of course you're my brother Zane, our father was not the best" Garroth said and I smiled

"well I would want to stick around but I'm afraid I can't" I said a bit sad.

"it's ok I understand" Cadenza said

"I'll say hi to Raven for you Garroth" I said and he smiled 

"thank you for bringing me here Alice, and thank you for giving me a chance" Zane said and I hugged him. then I walked outside and made sure I had enough room to fly off. I saw Aphmau wave bye to me and I did the same and went in the direction of where Raven is at. I need to be with Wyverns, they know what to do when I need to for when I turn fully human.

Laurence POV~

I still don't trust Zane. Me, Aphmau, and Lilith are going to Phoenix Drop because we are staying there for a week planning our wedding we told Aaron through the communication amulet so people are going to come to see the wedding, Cadenza felt bad that she couldn't see it but we understand. "can we sit down for a sec?" Aphmau asked.

"ya are you ok?" I asked Lilith was asleep.

"ya just tired I can't go for a long walk because of the whole being Pregnant thing" she said and I smiled and kissed her forehead

"it's ok, Lilith's tired anyway" I said and she smiled.

"she a cutie" Aphmau said and I chuckled, Lilith started to wake up. she has really pretty eyes and blond hair.

"Mama, Daddy" she said it was absolutely adorable we both got up and continued to walk to Phoenix Drop. I'm glad to have a family and soon I'll be married to the love of my life.

~a week later~

Aphmau POV~

I can't believe I'm about to be married to my love. Cadenza made the wedding dress when we were there, she also made a vile. she also made a dress for Lilith it was mint green which she really likes. and little shoes for her. she started to walk and fell. Malachi held her, "thank you Malachi" I said and I hugged him.

"no problem mom, I'll hold Lilith and make sure she's ok and I'm happy that you're getting married" and I smiled the music started and I grabbed the bouquet and walked along the aisle, I looked at Laurence he smiled and he looks so handsome in his tux. I got under the arch and faced Laurence, I couldn't stop smiling.

"we are gathered here today to join 2 souls as one, in marriage. if anyone object please speak now or forever hold you peace" the priest said and continued "Laurence, do you take Aphmau to love and to hold in sickness and in health till death do you part?" he asked and Laurence looked at me with his loving eyes.

"I do" he said and that made me smile 

"Aphmau, do you take Laurence to love and hold to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" I looked at him and spoke

"I do" I said and he smiled 

"I pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" the priest said and Laurence put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. everyone clapped we parted and looked at everyone, Lilith walked to us I picked her up and she poked my face, I laughed and I took Laurence's hand and we walked down and went to the plaza that they fixed and we danced and had food all the kids played together and had fun. I'm now married to the love of my life and now raising a family.

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now