# 38

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Alice POV~

now I'm alone again it was nice to have people to talk to 'maybe I should go with them, yes I'll go with them' I packed up my things and ran in the direction. and I heard a noise I turned behind me big mistake, I was taken down and knocked out.

I woke up and I was in a cell, my stuff is taken and my hands are tied behind my back. "Let me out I want my mommy and daddy" I heard a little girl screamed it was Dell.

"you're finally awake" I looked at the cell infrunt of me it was Aaron. Laurence in in the cell next to him Dell must be in the cell next to me.

"what happened? why are my hands tied behind me and not yours?" I asked

"they know you have magik's so while you where unconscious they tied you up" Laurence said and i sighed.

"Alice, please help us I want to go home" Dell said.

"I'll try" I said and I focused mnd I bent my hands to freeze the rope around my wrist but it didn't work.

"oh look she's awake, trying to escape are we?" a guy asked me and I didn't say anything I just looked at him angered, but not angry enough to turn into a shadow knight.

"I have no communication with Aphmau or my kids" Laurence said he wasn't trying to guilt trip him he was trying to be angry to turn into a shadow knight to escape that way I would have to but I don't know what would anger me. then he unlocked Dell's cell door and took her by the arm.

"No let me go" she cried but he put his grip tighter and I snapped.

"don't hurt her" I yelled and turned into a shadow knight it broke the rope around my wrist and used my Ice magiks to break the cell bars, and he let go of her in fear of me. she ran to get the keys to unlock the other cells. I slashed my sword at him he barely dodged my strike but on my second strike I killed him. I never killed a person before, I don't know what I feel other than blood on my hands, maybe it's the shadow knight in me but it felt good. I turned back into my human form and Dell unlock all the cells and we escaped.

"did you come back to come to our village?" Laurence asked me I nodded and we got all our things and I froze all the bandits to the ground so we can escape by the time that melts they wont know what to find us.

"thank you for come with us Alice you're my hero" she said and hugged me. I smiled and I picked her up and continued walking.

2 days Later~

Aaron POV~

we made it back and we got to Issa's house. I walked with Alice and I knocked on the door and she opened it and she saw Dell and hugged her. "oh I missed you so much Dell" she said.

"I missed you too mommy, where's daddy?" she asked

"he's in the fields, thank you so much for finding her" Issa said and Alice smiled and we walked to Aphmau's house. we opened the door and Aphmau was hugged Laurence. I don't blame her he was gone for a while. they parted and the kids ran down.

"yay, Daddy's home" they said and Laurence picked up Sophia. and Lilith walked to Alice and said.

"do I know you?" she asked, and Aphmau turned around and lite up and hugged her. Alice is shocked.

"I'm so glad you came, I missed you so much Alice where have you been for the past three years" Aphmau said and she let go of her Alice looked confused so did me and Laurence.

"I don't know you, but you do look familiar you all do" she said and Aphmau realized something.

"you lost you memory, follow me" she said and we all did and we went to Lucinda. is this the Alice that disappeared. but she doesn't look like Alice, she has Brown hair and fair skin. this Alice has White hair and pale skin, but Aphmau said that the frozen heart changed her appearance.

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now