# 7

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Laurence POV~

"ok Garroth say hi to my Sister for me" I said and he nodded and headed off. I walk back to the tree house, I go to see Aphmau still sleeping and I also see Lucinda. "how is she?" I asked

"she's fine but Zane he put a spell on her to alter her personality and something else I think he was trying to take her magiks, when she was knock out is when her magiks started to be more vulnerable and she recently opened the portal from the Irene dimension, so she is losing her magiks I'm not sure if I can wake her up without her possibly being in unbearable pain." she said and I sighed. "I'm afraid I have to ask my mother to see if she could do anything" she said angrily

"I'll stay with her, go to your mother to see if she can help her" I said. and Zoye came up

"you don't need to, she can wake up on her own and her magiks will be fine it's going to take a little while for it  to stay with her" Zoey said and i was relieved "It will take at least 3 days for her to be awake and well, if anything changes let me know" she said and left so did lucinda. I sat next to Aphmau and held her hand. and she keeps mumbling something but I can't understand what she's saying. she started to wake up, "L-Laurence w-what happened?" she asked weakly

"Zane, he took control of you and he tempted to take the magiks that Irene relic gave you, how are you feeling?" I said still holding her hand, she looked down but didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"I'm, fine, tired and my head hurts but I'll live" she said, I smiled she is still her which means the spell is gone.

"well get some rest Aphmau we need you to be rested for the island w need to find" I said and kissed her hand, she smiled and nodded and drifted to sleep and eventually I did as well

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now