# 16

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Aaron POV~

I heard something like a nether portal being destroyed and Laurence got up it seemed he heard it too. "Guys where are you going?" Lucinda asked

"just stay here" I said and me and Laurence walked toward where the noise was coming from. I heard footsteps coming closer and fast so when it it came close enough I put my sword to the neck. it was female she had Brown hair fair skin and bright purple eyes "Alice?" I asked surprised I put my sword away and helped her up 

"sorry we didn't know it was you, let's get you back to camp" Laurence said and she nodded

"t-thank you" she said I guess I scared her or something else did. we got back to camp.

"you guy's are ok and Alice what happened why are you here? last I saw you you were in the nether fighting Zinix" Aphmau said and Alice sat down 

"yes I was in the nether and I was fight Zinix but after you left Gene got up and helped me he attack Zinix and knock him into the Lava, it would buy me some time to escape I didn't want to leave Gene behind but I had to after I left he broke all the nether portals so Zinix wouldn't escape along with him" she said looking down and playing with her fingers. see looked around and her eyes landed on the baby. "what's her name, and who's taking care of her?" she asked

"I don't know what to name her and I'm her mom" Aphmau said cradling her "how could you tell she isn't one of ours?" she asked

"because she doesn't look like anyone else here" she said and looked around

"she actually looks like you, did you have any relation to the mother?" Kaytlen asked and Alice sighed

"yes, the mother was my distant cousin we looked the same have the same hair color and the same nose the only difference is our eyes, she had sky blue like Laurence" she said like it nothing "we weren't close so I suggest she stay with you Aphmau, besides you know more about children then I do" she said layed down on the grass. 

"you know we have a boat if you want to sleep" I said 

"no thank you I'd rather sleep near the fire I feel more comfortable here" she said drifting to sleep. and so did everyone else.

~the next morning~

Aphmau POV~

I woke up and Aaron was caring for the baby. "hey how is she?" I asked sleepy.

"she's fine but she might want you to hold her" Aaron said and gave her to me "have you disided on a name?" he asked me I thought 

"Lilith" I said "what do you think?" she asked shyly

"it's wonderful and I thought of a middle name for her" he said and he knew what I was going to asked"Garnet" he finished I smiled

"it's a perfect name for her" I looked and see Alice was up and so was Laurence and Travis, Alice continued "it what I was think or somewhat similar, what's her eye color" we looked at her confused "just curious if she has her mom's or her dad's" Alice said 

"there sky blue" I said and smiled so did Laurence "so I guess she looks more like her mom then" I nodded "you want to hold her?"I asked.

"sure why not" she said and I walked to her and handed her Lilith. "she actually has her dad's hair" she said "Emma's hair is lighter than this"

Alice POV~

as I hold Lilith she opened her eyes and they sparkled like my mothers. I quickly gave her to Aphmau I almost dropped her. "I-I'm sorry I just can't" I said and walked away almost crying I'm trying hard to fight them back.

"Alice what's wrong" Laurence asked me and I felt angry at myself so I continued to walked away "Alice what is it please tell me" he said calmly and I guess he know's my power is getting stronger. but I wouldn't calm down I just couldn't.

"Alice please tell us, your shadow knight particles are starting to show up" Vlayd said I turned around

"her eye's reminds me of my mother" I said angered "she was always happy, I could see it in Lilith" I continued trying not to scare Lilith "I'm angered at myself because I could have saved her but I didn't I just ran" I said and calmed down a bit but not enough.

"Come with me I can help you calm down"  Vlayd said and I nodded

Aaron POV~

I watched as Alice and Vlayd walk to the shores then looked back at Aphmau and Lilith "Is she ok?" I asked 

"ya just a bit started but she's relaxing, I hope ALice is going to be ok" Aphmau said

"ya, why don't you take Lilith to the boat with Lucinda and the rest of us will pack things up" I said and Aphmau nodded she and Lucinda went to the boat. I couldn't help that feel bad for Alice do I like her?

To Be Continued~

Never leave me: Book one (series of Never leave me)Where stories live. Discover now